The Boeing Employees Rifle & Pistol Club
(BERPC) in 2025 is in its 72nd year serving the fraternity of local
shooters committed to safe hunting, marksmanship, competition, reloading, collecting, education, plinking and all around fun. |
Club Meetings are held the first Wednesday each month starting
at 6:30 PM, at the Burien Elks Lodge #2143 (BPOE) 14006 1st Ave S.
Burien, WA
We no longer meet in the
Oxbow Recreation Center, Room 201. 10500 W. Marginal Pl S. Seattle WA 98108, bldg #9-150 (please
check Events
calendar for location) Meetings feature interesting shooting videos, news,
awards, activity discussions, guest speakers and an open discussion
period. |
Rifle and Pistol teams: The Rimfire Team shoots .22 caliber rifles
and handguns. The Pistol Team (all centerfire handguns) is
looking for a new venue. The Rifle Team shoots at various ranges
each month, in the Greater Northwest. |
Club Website: |