John Camp's tombstone in the Lebanon Methodist
Church Cemetery near Princeton, Laurens Co., South Carolina.
John Camp
Carolina, South Carolina,
and Georgia
According to family
stories this particular family was instrumental in the Battle of Kings
Mountain and Cowpens in South Carolina during the Revolutionary War but
the DAR has problems with the truth of this story. Anyone
applying for DAR membership for this ancestor will have to find proof
that he was not "a traitor".
See the notes of 1783.
b. 13 Oct 1743 Orange Co (now part of Culpeper Co.), VA
d. about 29 Dec 1818 Jackson Co., GA[based on the will below]
buried: Lebanon Church, Greenville, SC
m. Mary Tarpley 30
Jan. 1764 Lunenburg, now Charlotte Co., VA(John Camp's cousin)
b. 30 Oct 1740 North Farnham Parish, Richmond Co. VA
d. (according to Mann p8) 17 Aug. 1789 probably in S. C. (note the will
below 1918 lists Mary as a wife)
buried: (according to Mann p8) 96th
Dist., S.C.
her father:
James Tarpley
mother: Mary Camp
father: Thomas Camp
mother: Winifred Starling
Children |
Anneyomy Camp
(sometimes written as Annie Naomi)
b. 1762 Orange Co., NC* p. 50
d. after 1850 Walton Co., GA |
m. John Hill c1782* |
Thomas Camp |
b. 1765 N C* |
d. aft 1820 Hall Co., GA# |
m. Susan Wagoner 1781
Greenville, SC# (b.c1766 NC d. aft. 1818 Jackson Co., GA)
(dau. of John Wagoner - who d. 1794, Spartanburg, SC)# |
James Camp |
b. 1768 Orange Co., N C* |
d. about 1830, Georgia |
m. Mary Berry
about 1783 in Orange Co., N. C. (b. ABT 1755/60, probably Orange Co.,
N. C. - d. BEF 16 April 1812, probably Jackson Co., GA) possible
daughter of Robert Berry (b. ABT 1735 -d. ABT 1814, Orange Co., N. C.).
(much more on this family
her first marriage about
1775, in Orange County, Virginia, to George Waggoner, (d. 1781) by whom
she had daughters, Elizabeth and Ann. George Waggoner likely related to
Susannah D. Waggoner, wife of Thomas Camp, brother of James.
Starling Camp |
b. 24 Nov 1771 Rutherford Co., NC* |
d. 15 Apr 1851 McMinn Co., Tenn |
m. Anna Helm 25 Dec 1800* |
William "Snipe Bill" Camp |
b. 1773 Rutherford Co., NC* |
d. after 1812 Elyton, Jefferson Co., AL |
m. Sarah Eliz. Reeves d 12 Dec 1858 AL
her 2nd m. ? Dun/Dunn |
Abner Camp |
b. 12 Jul 1775 Rutherford Co. NC* |
d. 17 Sep 1853 Winder, GA |
m. Elizabeth Ragsdale* 1798 (dau of Peter Ragsdale)
(1775-1854) |
Kezziah Camp |
b. 20 May 1777 Rutherford Co. NC* |
d. 14 Aug 1835 Greenville Co., SC |
m. Benjamin Arnold - 5 Feb 1795*
(son of Benjamin Arnold and Anne Hendrick) |
John Camp Jr. |
b. |
d. |
m. Eliza Thomason |
Sara Camp |
b. c1770 |
d. 21 Oct 1854 |
m. Thomas Graydon@
b.c1770* |
Winifred Camp |
b. abt 1765
d. |
m. Thomas Kinman* 1795 Laurens Co., SC
*records of Nevelle Mann
@this marriage is by affidavit of Mrs. Steve Skelton who knew this
family personally, listed in Mann, p.243 "Addenda and Errata".
#records of E. Russ Williams
1743 - John Camp is the third born to Thomas Camp
and Winifred Starling in Orange Co., VA.
1764, Jan 30 - John Camp marries Mary Tarpley
of Williamsburg, VA, sister of Rev. John Tarpley, founder of Methodism
in VA. and a descendent of Wm. Tarpley of Brewton parish. [DAR records
of the Camp Fam. data]
1776 - Camp, John Lt. , Revolutionary soldier-
served under Col. Roebuck. AA. 1014; x3424; C. S fought at the Battle
of Kings Mtn., South Carolina 1780
1777 - Camp, John Caswell 1777
North Carolina Taxpayers, 1701 - 1786 Vol.1 -2
Genealogical Pub. Co. Inc. , Baltimore, Ohio 1989
p. 65 of the Arnold Family Book,
"'Col. Benj. Arnold, m. Kezziah Camp b. 20 May 1777. They lived on
Horse Creek in Greenville county, S. C., both buried near ... (These
are WDS grandparents)' & again on page 58 'Benj. Arnold Jr. (my
grfather) m. Kezziah Camp.'" [Camp family file, DAR library, May 4,
1778- Old first Register. No. 360 (granted
April 1) John Camp claiming 150 acres on land on the north side of
Broad River joining and below Richard Henderson's land including his
own improvement. Also joining land of Mr. hill, Dec. 4, 1778 [records
of Rutherford Co., NC]
1780 - Sept - John, Nathan, and Thomas Camp
(probably John's brother), another Thomas Camp, a Benjamin Camp and an
Edmund Camp participated in the Battle of Kings Mtn. [Alderman, Pat
"The Overmountain Men"]
1781- Although the following paragraph
has been passed down as fact, Deason Smith believes that we need to
look at this story more carefully. See his lengthy and
detailed article largely researched by Mrs. Mildred Brownlee in
1991. It is too long to be included in this page so use this
link. Sullivan's
Company Roster and Problems of Entrenched Disinformation
"The Sullivan Independent Company of Volunteer
Scouts - 1781 was organized when 96 Dist., S.C. was being terrorized by
Tories and Redcoats. After the fall of Charleston and loss of Lincoln's
Army, there were no Americans in arms in the state except a few, small
detached bodies of patriots, mostly old men and young boys. Men of the
regular army had become prisoners of war, or had escaped from the
state. Rapacious plundering, outrages, and murders were the order of
the day. Volunteer bands sprang up like mushrooms, many of whom are not
mentioned in history, but it was these who played a large part in the
salvation of the state.
The Sullivan Scouts was organized among relatives, friends, and
neighbors, It was a loose organization of some 100/150 men, with 4
co-captains, each of whom, in an emergency would call together the men
nearest him or whom he could reach, and go at once into action, while
the rest of the company was being assembled by signals or courier. each
of the captains was directly responsible for defending a certain
territory. Sometime the farm bell, the cow-horn, or a woman on
horseback sounded the alarm. The women were placed on alert and used
their ingenuity to warn neighbors of impending trouble, sometimes the
call of bird or a smoke signal was used . The men working the fields or
elsewhere, would at once drop everything, gather their arms, mount a
fleet horse and rush to the assembling place. Many of the Tories were
caught and hung. the site is a ford on Reedy River, to the rear of the
Prospect Baptist Church (colored) where baptisms took place in the
river. This place was near an old tan yard and about 2 miles from the
old Lebanon Methodist Church of Today. There is a list of men who were
hung here and some their families are very prominent today. "
[Mrs. Sara Sullivan Ervin of War Shoals, SC. a descendant of John Camp
and Mary Tarplely through their daughter Kezziah Camp who married
Benjamin Arnold, reprinted from Camp-Kemp Family Hist. p. 48 -50]
1782 - Deed book A-D, page 203. Dated
October 28, 1782.
State of North Carolina, Grant No. 253 - for 50 shillings for each 100
acres, to John Camp - 150 acres in Tryon County on north side of Little
Broad River joining Richard Henderson's land and Mr. Hill's land. [Mann
p. 45]
1783, January- Rutherford Co., N.C. A summons is issued for 116
individuals to appear before the Committee and Council for Safety by
the sheriff. According to the essay of W. Griffin,
partially included here, that the area now known as Rutherford county
"was reputed to be one of the strongest Tory regions in the
state." Pressure was brought on them to contribute to the
revolutionary cause or else. When they didn't respond,
"Governor Caswell in 1779, ordered 250 infantry and 25 horsemen to
disarm all persons in the that county as well as in Anson, Tryon and
Guilford who might give trouble to the Cause."
summons having issued to the sheriff to notify the following persons to
answer an inquisition of treason, felony and forfeiture found against
them by the Grand Jury, to-wit: ( a list of 116 individuals
including John Harris, Grandshaw Camp, John Camp, John
Camp, Jr., James Camp. .....) '
'And now being solemnly called to shew cause why
their property should not be confiscated failed to appear or show any
cause, it is therefore ordered by the court that their property be
adjudged forfeited.'
While these did not appear, there was a
large number of others who had been similarly summoned who appeared and
apparently gave satisfactory explanations for their conduct. " By
all appearances the Camps mentioned did not show up to prove this
incorrect. Hopefully someone may find a document that will
confirm the loyalty to the revolutionary cause. It apparently was
somewhat common for the farmers of the area to first support one side
then the other. The DAR only will accept one conversion to the
cause. [Griffin. pp. 38-42] [no one has applied under this name since 1991,
Elroy's conversation with the librarian of the DAR Wash, DC 3/29/06]
1784- Deed Book 22-23, page 334. Dated
October 10, 1784, recorded July 20, 1805. state of North
Carolina, Grant No. 397 - John Camp, 200 acres in Tryon County, on both
sides of 2nd Broad River. [Mann p.
1787- Deed Book J- L., page 202. Dated February 21, 1787,
recorded June 6, 1794. John Camp to Alexander Cooper, both of
Rutherford County, North Carolina, for 50£ , 100 acres. Witnesses: William Cooper and John
Standford. [Mann p. 45]
1787- Deed Book J-L, page 42. Dated April 12, 1787, recorded June 27,
1793. John Camp Planter, to Samuel Hunter, both of Rutherford County,
North Carolina, for 25£, 100 acres
on south side of 2nd Broad River. Witnesses: William Yancdy and
Sam'l Swamy. [Mann p. 45]
1784-1799 in the Minutes of the County
Court of Spartanburg Co., S. C. Vol. I
p. 68 John Camp against John Chism. On a
Summons. Came the Plaintiff by James Yancey Gentleman his attorney and
the Defendant by Daniel Brown Gentleman his attorney and upon the
Parties being heard it is considered by the court that the Plaintiff
recover £2 s3 d3 1/4 besides his costs.
John Camp, Sarah Camp and Reubin Hull is allowed s 12 d6 each for 5
days attendance in suit John Camp Against John Chism.
p. 41 John Camp against John John Chism. Trover & C. On Motion of
Daniel Brown Defendant's attorney, that the Plaintiff give surety for
costs, being an Inhabitant of North Carolina, Maximilian Conner,
Entered himself as surety for the Plaintiff. p. 50 John Camp against
john Chisham. Trover Continued until next court at Defendant's cost.
p. 72 John Camp against Thomas David. Trespass. This case refired to
the arbitrament of John MacKinney & John McElheny with power of
Umpirage, Their award to be returned to our next court to be considered
as a rule thereof.
p. 75 John Camp against john Chism. Petition. Ordered that this suit be
p. 85 John Camp against John Chism. Case. Ordered that a Dedimus
Potetatum issue to Rutherford County in North Carolina, to Examine John
Camp, Thomas Camp, Susannah Camp, Reubin Hill and Sarah Camp on the Prt
and behalf of the said Plaintiff, He being also required to give the
Defendeant Ten days notice of the time and place of examination.
p. 88 John Camp against Thomas Davis. Trespass. Ordered that this suit
be dismissed at each Party paying their own cash.
vol. 1789-1794 (p. 100-190)
p. 104 On motion of Sarah Boid for administration on the estate of John
Boid Deceased, Ordered that she have letters accordingly, upon ther
giving John Camp and James Wofford surities for her lawful
administration, which was accordingly don.
p. 108 John Camp against John Chism. Petition. Continued by consent of
the parties. John Camp against John Chism. Trespass. Continued by
consent of the parties until next court. John Camp against John Chism.
Case. Continued by consent of the parties until next court.
p. 122 John Camp against John Chism. Petition. Came the Plaintiff by
James Daugherty Esq. His Attorney and the defendant by Thomas P. Carnes
Gentlman his attorney and Parties agreeing to refer this case to
william More, John McCarter, Nathan Ward, Thomas McKnight, John
McMahan, John Vernon, Thomas Selman, William Shed, Thomas Williams, Hon
Cannon, David Golightly and Moses Timmons Gentleman Jurors. We find
£9 for the Plaintiff and Cost of Suit...
p. 130 John Camp against John Chism. Trespass Same against Same. Case.
Ordered, that the above cases be continued until next court.
p. 136 John Camp against John Chism. Trespass. Dismissed at the
Plaintiff. Cost. John Camp against Benjamine Wofford. Detinue. Ordered
that his suit be discontinued at the Plaintiff costs by his assent.
p. 146 John Camp aginst John Chism. Case. On motion of Zacheriah
Toliaferro Esq. attorney for the Defendent, ordered that this case be
discontinued at the Plaintiff costs by his assent.
[ Spartanburg Co., South Carolina Minutes of the County Court
1792 - Deed Book MQ, page 49 - 28 -1792, recorded
June 3, 1795.
John Camp of Greenville county, South Carolina to Daniel Miles of
Rutherford County, N. C. for 35 lb 150 acres in Rutherford Co., N.C. on
Second Broad River. Witnesses: James Camp, Thomas Camp and John Camp.
[records of Rutherford Co., NC]
1788-1799- Location book D, Greenville Co.,
courthouse, Greenville, S. C.
Camp, Bradford
p. 449 500 acres Fork Rayburn Creek, Laurens
Camp, John Sr. p. 449
276 acres on Pitchin's Creek, Laurens
Camp, Cranshaw p. 28 555
acres on Bush Creek
Camp, James p.
299 305 acres on Reedy River, Laurens
Camp, Larkin p.
444 500 acres Rayburn Creek of Reedy R. , Laurens
Camp, Shearwood p. 448 305 acres N. side Reedy R.,
Camp, William p. 485
132 acres Water of Reedy R., Laurens
Camp, William p. 444
225 acres Rayburns Creek, Reedy, Laurens
[Patent Land Survey (Index of Land Acquisitions 1770-1870, Greenville
Co., courthouse, Greenville, S. C.]
1798 - John Camp files applies for a plat for
276 acres on a branch of Peachline Creek, Laurens County, Ninety Six
District, Surveyed by Benjamin Arnold. [South Carolina Archives on line, doc. #S213192, vol.
0037, page 00116. item 001]
1799 - William Camp applies for a plat for 132
acres on a branch of Peachins and Rabourns Creeks in Laurens County,
Ninety Six District, surveyed by Benjamin Arnold on March 30,
1799. Other names listed are probably witnesses, Benjamin
Arnold, John Camp Sr., and Nathan Camp. [South
Carolina Archives on line, doc. #S213192, vol. 0037, page 00270. item
1800 - US Census. South Carolina
Greenville Dist. Series: M32 Roll: 47 Page: 273
Camp, John
1 0 0 0 1 - 0 0 1 0 1 - 0 3
Camp, Thomas
1 2 1 0 1 - 0 2 0 0 1 - 0 0
1801- Deed Book D, page 182. Dated December
3, 1801. John Camp to Joseph Camp, both of Jackson County,
Georgia, for $100, 100 acres. Witnesses: John Strother and
Johnson Strong, J. P. [Mann p. 47]
1803- Deed Book D, page 184. Dated August 9, 18803. John
Camp of Jackson County, Georgia, for good cause bequeaths to Anneomy
Hill, his daught, one negoe boy Matt. Witnesses: Thomas Camp, Sen. and
Thoms Camp, Minor. [Mann p.47]
1810- Deed Book 41-42, page 7 Dated Sept. 6, 1810 recorded Jan. 7,
John Camp of Jackson county, Georgia to Jacob Fisher of Rutherford
County, North Carolina for $800. 158 acres plus on 2nd Broad River,
Rutherford County, N,.C. (patent John Camp Oct. 28, 1782) Witnesses:
Stephen Camp, Jurat and Peter Fisher.
[records of Rutherford Co., NC]
1810- John Camp senior, makes a will which is not recorded in the
county. It has been maintained over time by relatives of
Jennifer O'Kelley large suitcase with many other family documents. I
have transcribed the will with all spelling as I have been able to read
it. A puzzling problem for me with this will is "who is Mary
Camp?" the beloved wife of John. Most have thought that
Mary Tarpley Camp died in 1789 but that may not be the case a indicated
here. We need more information to prove there was a second
marriage and who it may have been.
"In the name
of God Amen I John Camp sener
of the state of Georgia and Walton County Being in my parfeet reason
but being very low in Body and Helth and Considering the mortality of
my Body and that it is apointed once for all men to Die I therefore
Constitute and apoint this my last wil and testiment and in the first
place I will and Bequeath unto my
well Beloved Wife Mary Camp if she the said many Should proove
to be the Longest Liver (all my Estate Both Rarall and personal all
during her natural Liffe for her soport and as I hereby do Constitute
and apoint my well beloved son Abner
Camp my whole and sole Execeter in law of my whole Estate Both
reall and personall I allso apoint sd Abner Camp at my Deces to take my
wife mary with all and singular ofmy Estate into his Cear and Keeping
and that he the sd Abner Shall soprt and maintain the sd Mary Camp
during her natural Life in a Comfortable way or manner of my Estate and
after the Deces of my wife Mary and after my Lawful Debts is or shall
be paid I give and Bequeth all my Estate both reall and personal wit
all Bils and Bonds and other Debts to be devided in manner and form
following to wit after the Deces of my self and my wife Mary Camp
do Constitute and apoint my Executer Abner Camp to Expose to sale to
the Best advantage all my Estate that .....(torn) Leave behind me in
this world and makering an Equal Devide with ..(torn) .
Children Exept my sone Thos Camp
which has REcieved from me all.. (torn)
Page 2
Ever intend to give him also Wilm
Camp has recieved from me all I Ever will give him also my daughters Salley Gradon and Anniomey Hill and Winey Kinmon the several above named
person I Do these presants Exemp from Every obtaing any parte or parcel
of my Extate but my will and Desier is that after the Execeter Recieved
sattisfaction out of my Extate for all trouble and Expence that he the
sd Execter Abner Camp may be to pay to Each Legatee their Eaquil part
whose names ar here written whom I own as my Lawful Legatees to witt my
son James Camp Starling Camp Abner
camp and my daughter Kiziah
Arnold in witness and testimoney hereof I hereunto do set my
hand and afix my seal this 29th Day of Dec.r 1818. " [copy
of original provided by Jennifer O'Kelley 3/30/08]
1810-S. Carolina
Camp, Bradford [Laurens
44] 10010 -10010 -00
Camp, James [Laurens
42] 22010 -01000 -00
Camp, Thomas [Laurens
42] 00010 -12010 -00
Camp, Thomas [Greenville 273] 12101 -02001 -00
1812 - Robert Berry makes his will in Orange
County, N. C.
"The will of Robert Berry, dated 16 April 1812,
Orange County, North Carolina (Will Book D, page 408), identifies his
daughter as Mary Kemp, deceased, thus establishing her death as before
the date of the will."
"From the 'NC Genealogical Society Journal'
(NCGSJ), Vol. 6, No.3, page 192, August 1980: 'John Camp, Robert Camp,
Starling Camp, and Shadrack Humphries (husband of the former Sarah
Camp), all of Jackson County, Georgia, on 14 January 1815, give power
of attorney to Joseph Camp of Greenville District, South Carolina to
transact business relative to their grandfather, Robert Berry, Sr.,
which they claim in right of their mother, Mary Camp, formerly Mary
Berry; witness: Hosea Camp, J.J.C.' (The NCGSJ lists 'Talbert' Camp,
instead of 'Robert' Camp. Copies of the document made from microfilm
were so poor, that it was necessary to examine the original document in
the North Carolina Archives (Orange County, North Carolina. Powers of
Attorney 1781-1909, CR.073.928.5, Camp, Joseph 1815). This established
that the NCGSJ had named Robert as 'Talbert.' This was further
confirmed by the signature affixed to the Power of Attorney, which was
clearly 'Robert Berry Camp.') This Power of Attorney confirms Robert
Berry as the father of Mary Kemp/Camp. As the initials of a witness,
'J.J.C.' seems to refer to "James John Camp," thought to be the full
name of James Camp.
[J. C. Marler research - correspondence of 1/10/01 that he gleaned from
Roots Web, his email marlerjc@SLU.EDU ]
1818 - John Camp dies in Jackson Co., GA but
is buried in Lebanon Church, Greenville, SC.

The Lebanon Church and the old 1832 cemetary markers near Princeton,
SC. One of the markers is of John Camp.
photos courtesy of a lost
1848 - Walton County, Testimony of Anneyomy
Hill before Tillman McDonalds. Walton County Georgia At present I don't know why Anneyomy Hill
was giving testimony but it sounds like she is proving that the
children listed are the true heirs of the estate of James Camp and/or
Mary Camp.
"Tillman McDonalds
- an acting Justice of the peace in said county
Anneyomy Hill and being duly
sworn in Terms of the law deposess and saith on oath. That she knew James
Camp and Mary Camp his wife and Mary Camp wife of James Camp had
five children that she knew one
by the name of John Camp and
one by the name of Robert B. Camp
one by the name of Joseph Camp
one by the name of Starling Camp
and one daughter by the name of Sarah
Camp who married a man by the name of Humphris one that the same all them
five children sd ack Mary Camp wife of James Camp often (tom?) one that
they were all born in North Carolina four of them was born in
Rutherford county and that she was present when John and Robert B. Camp
was born and went to se Mary Camp the next day after Joseph Camp was
born and they moved from Rutherford County North Carolina to South
Carolina near the line of Lawrence and Greenville Districts Sworn
to and subscribed to be me the 29th March 1848.
Anneyomy X Hill
[copy of original provided by Jennifer O'Kelley 3/30/08]
DAR records of the Camp Fam. data, DAR National
Library, Wash. D. C
Griffin, Clarence. Essays on North Carolina History. The Forest City
Courier, Forest City, N. C. 1951.
Landrum, Dr. L. B. O. . History of
Spartanburg County, South Carolina 1900, reprinted 1954.
Marler, J. C. research - correspondence of 1/10/01 that he gleaned from
Roots Web, his email marlerjc@SLU.EDU
Mann, Col. Robt. Nevelle and Cathrine Cleek Mann, Camp-Kemp Family
Hist. Vol. I - II, 1969, Cedar Bluff, Alabama 35959.
records of Rutherford Co., NC. reprinted in "Kemp Family Newsletter",
Vol. VIII , issue 1 Spring 1996
O'Kelley, Jennifer.
"Suitcase in Georgia." Jennifer has generously provided valuable
documentation for this family through some 3000 documents in a suitcase
that she inherited. She is still in the process of going through it for
the Camp family researchers. 3/30/08 suitcase1800@bellsouth.net
Alfed Dr. Macon, GA 31204-1208
Smith, Deason. Sullivan's Company Roster
and Problems of Entrenched Disinformation. adeasons@earthlink.net
South Carolina Dept of Archives and Records, -
Williams, Russ E., The Kemp, Turner, and Roberts Families on Little
Silver Creek, Washington, Parish Louisiana. The Story of Three Pioneer
families of early Louisiana, their Ancestors and Progeny., 1992.
Monroe, LA., Williams Genealogical Pub., 514 Cole Ave, Monroe, LA 71203
Index || Elroy's Family Index || Ancestor Chart #12

All information and photos included within these pages was
developed by the help of hundreds of researchers. The information here
is for the express purpose of personal genealogical research and is
freely offered as long as this site is listed as a source. It may not
be included or used for any commercial purpose or included in any
commercial site without the express permission of Elroy Christenson.
Copyright Elroy Christenson 1998-2010.