Greer "the Elder" Family
Carolina, Alabama
Joseph Greer, 1st
b. probably in Ireland
d. before Mar 12, 1783 Old Ninty-Six Dist. S. C.
buried: SC
m. unknown*
her father:(?)* her mother: (?)*
his father: John
Greer , the Irish Immigrant
his mother: unknown
Children |
Robert Greer |
b. before 1770 |
d. 1831 |
m. Isabell "Ibba" Kilgore, (d. 10 July 1858)dau. of Benjamin
Kilgore and Ann McCreary |
Joseph Greer Jr. |
b. abt 1770 SC |
d. April 16, 1843 will Tallapoosa Co., AL(at age 73).
bur: New Harmony Presbyterian Church Cem., Chambers Co., AL |
m. Priscilla (perhaps Wilson)* |
(perhaps Andrew) Greer |
b. |
d. |
m. * |
(perhaps George) Greer |
b. |
d. |
m. * |
there may have been other children but it is not known at
this time |
b. |
d. |
m. |
*records and birth order of Janice Craft
We are uncertain of the parents of my identified
relative, Joseph Greer of 1770, but the research of Janice Craft seems
to point to the Joseph Greer Sr. family of Laurens Co, S. C. Janice
Craft hired Brent Holcomb to do the research that indicates that there
is strong evidence for Joseph Greer Sr. to have been the father of my
Joseph Greer. His family is only a best guess projection and we
certainly need more proof to verify that we are looking at the correct
family. Hopefully someone will come forward with more information.
1755, August 5 - Ann McCrarey researched the
records in South Carolina for the McCrary family and found many in the
Journal of His Majesties Honorable Council are petitions for land from
John McCrarey. On this same date land grants were made to: John Hanna ,
100 a waters of Santee
John Greer (6 persons in family) on Duncan's Creek
Timothy Reirday, South side of Saludy R.
Alexr. Moorhead.
[Microfilm reference at S. C. Archives, D532 1754-1756, D533 (CO 5/470,
471) Pro Reel 41]
The previous record seems to indicate a John
Greer may have been one of the first recorded Greer in South Carolina
as early as 1755. Joseph Greer (200 ac) had land sandwiched between
Robt. McCrary (210 ac.) and Basil Prater(150 ac). John Greer had 300
acres next to Bazil Prater 55 acres. Jonas Greer(180 ac) and Jos. Greer
(150 ac) is on the south side of Duncan Creek and borders Robt.
McCrary's other 200 acres on Duncan Creek.
1764 - Land records of the colony of South
Carolina show several Greer here as early as 1764, [Paul Sarrett, Jr. ,
Andrew 1764 Colony, SC Warrant for Land No
Twp Listed
GREER , John 1764
Colony, SC Warrant for Land No Twp Listed
GREER , John 1779 Colony,
SC Resident Old 96th DISTRICT
GREER , Joseph 1764 Colony, SC
Warrant for Land No Twp Listed
GREER , Joseph 1779 Colony, SC
Resident Old 96th DISTRICT
GREER , Josiah 1779 Colony,
SC Resident Old 96th DISTRICT
David 1779 Colony,
SC Resident Old 96th DISTRICT
Janice Craft lists Nell Orr of Chambers County
"There was a Joseph Greer and George Greer who were neighbors of Bazil
Prather's in Laurens County, SC in the 1770's. A James Greer lived
There are twelve Greer men listed in the South
Carolina Roster of soldiers in the militia during the War for
Independence. We are uncertain if any of these are related to our
James Greer m. Sarah ? R4277
Resided in York, enlisted in 1780, served for 42 days in 1782 as a
sergeant and 37 days as a horseman under Capt. George Neely.
James Greer
Served in the militia during 1778, 1780, and 1782.
John Greer R4290
Served in militia under Col. Anderson 1778 to the end of the war.
(This one could not have been related, has only female children- Sarah
Irvin, Nancy R. Sprouse, and Hannah Noland and originated in PA.
He married in 1782 Edgefield, SC to Sarah Hunt)
Joseph Greer
enlisted in the Third Reg. on 8 Mar 1778. N. A. 853
Joseph Greer R5328
served as a captain under Col. Anderson and Gen Marion.
Josiah Greer R6802
Served as captain in the little River Ge. under Lt. Co. Robert McCrary
and Ge. Williamsion in 1770, was on the Florida Expedition. Also served
as captain under Col. Hayes and Gen. Pickens and was in the siege of
Ninety Six.
Richard Greer S3416
Served in Penn. units. After moving to Laurens co., enlisted under
Capt. Yarborough and Gen. Pickens, Anderson and Greene.
Robert Greer
Served in the militia during 1781 and 1782.
Thomas Greer
Served under Capt. Peter Burns and Gen. Sumter.
William Greer
Served in the militia under Capt. James Giles, Col. WilliamHill and
Gen. Thomas Sumter.
William Greer
Served as horseman under Capt. Robert Thompson and Gen. Sumter during
1780 and as horseman under Capt. Henderson and Gen. Sumter in 1781.
[Moss p 385]
In the following document we have a petition
by members of the Little River Regiment to the Gov. of S. C. protesting
the arrest of their Commanding Officer, l Colo. James Williams. It is
transcribed from a document in the Manuscript collection of the Wm. R.
Perkins Library, Duke University. #5767 "James Williams Petition.
Several McCreary and Greer family members indicate that they were part
of this regiment during the Revolutionary war. The docuement is undated
and signed with legible signatures of all included. [document provided
by Ann McCrary]
To His Excellency (torn) Esq. , Govenor &
Commander in Chief in (torn) of South Carolina the Honourabel the pivy
counsels, the honourable the Senate & House of Representatives in
General Assembly; Whereas we the zealous friends to our country, and to
all who love & distinguish themselves in her cause) do understand
& are exceeding sorry to hear that there are false & (?)
accusations either lying or about to shortly be laid against James
Williams, our present Colo. in and over Little River Regiment of which
we are a part representing him as distressing and very injurious to the
Regiment, and designed (as we believe) by the private enemies of our
country, to deprive us of so worthy a friend to his country. In general
a good officer, to us in particular & thereby do a very singular
piece of service to the common enemies of America. We do briefly and
anziously remonstrate this: That we do experimentally know Col. james
Williams to havfe been a zealous Patriot from the commencement of the
America contest with Briten; and to have allways stood foremost in
every occasion when called upon to defience of his country. W do
further declare who voluntarily and judiciously when legally called
upon and commanded to the field, have turned out in the defense of
their Native rights & privileges together with that of their
Country; and we do avow it from our knowledge, that whensoever Colo.
James Williams either directly or indirectly executed any distressing
things, it was upon the stuboorn and refractory, whose practices of
obstinancy declare them inimical to their country: & that Hoyan
& fellow citizens. without delaying you, we your humble petitions
do earnestly beg that you will hear this our faithful remonstrance
& proceed with our respected Colo. James your superior judgements
may direct: only begging leave to conclude with this one remark, that
doubtless you know that such clamours are frequently the necessary
effects of disaffection to the country.
Robt. McCrery Lt. Colo.
George Davis Capt.
Matthew McCrarey Lieut.
George Young
Matthew Cunnigham
Andrew McCrary
James Greer
James Dillard
John Owens
Samuel Exing
William Davis
Absolom Filby
John McCrary Sener
John McCrary Juner
Robert Long
Matthew McCrery
William Bean
John Williams
Wm. Arther Capt |
Josiah Geer
Joseph Rammage
John Robinson
John Bourland
John Greer Juner
Isaac Adair
JMS Adair
Thos McCrery J: P:
James Ones
Andrew Ones
John Watson
Hughes Manford (?)
David Watson
Isaac Greer
James Ralley
John Glenn
John Jones
Henry Atwood
James Adair Sener
Joseph Adair Juner
Benjamin Adair
Joseph Adair Sener
James Adair Juner,, son of James
William Adair
John Finney
John Adair
John Adair Sener
James Craige
William Craig
James Howerton
Ameris Witten
Phillip Whitten
John Gray
John Greer
James Montgomery |
Thomas Ewing
William Blake
James Gamble
Edward Stapleton
John Gamble
William Huddleston
James Huddleston
Alexander Adair
Benjamin Willson
Benja. Goodman
Daniel Williams |
1779 Census, Old 96th Dist., S. C. lists residents in the large
frontier county of Old 96th with was later divided into Edgefield,
Abbeville, Spartanburg, Laurens, Newport, Greenwood, and Union.
[records of Paul R. Sarrett, Jr., US Genweb South Carolina.
1779 Old 96th D SC No Twp.
Joseph 1779 Old 96th D SC
No Twp. Listed
Josiah 1779 Old
96th D SC No Twp. Listed
James 1779 Old
96th D SC No Twp. Listed
1779 Old 96th D SC No Twp. Listed
M266 McCREARY Alexander
1779 Old 96th D SC No Twp. Listed
M266 McCREARY Gilbert
1779 Old 96th D SC No Twp. Listed
M266 McCRERY Robert
1779 Old 96th D SC No Twp.
1783 - Joseph Greer Sr. apparently dies.
Papers are filed to establish the administrators of the estate.
Est. admns. Mar. 12, 1783. by Thomas Murphy,
Robt. Neel, Isaac Mathews, Benjamin Kilgore bound to John Ewing Calhoun
Ord. 96 Dist sum 14,000 lbs. Inv. made May 23, 1783 by Andrew
Cunningham, Jno. McClinton, Jno. Hall. [Old Ninty-six & Abbeville
Dist. Wills , Box 40, Pack 886 / Young's Abstracts of Old Ninty-six]
1784, August 15 -
Pp. 98-100: An account of the sale of the
Estate of Joseph Greer decd.,
15 of August 1794; purchasers: Andrew McCrary, Joseph Greer, Joseph Adair, John
Hansel, Saml McComuthey, Thos McCrary, Joseph
Greer, Wm Hunter, John Login, John Elmore, Minasa Willson, Benj.
Adair, Newton Higgins, John Gray, Robert Scott, John Owens, James
Rammage, Hugh Skelton, Saml Bishop, James Dillard, John Rammage, James
Dillard, Robert Grier, Bazzel
Prater (cooper tooles), James Adair Senr., John Watson, Simon Tedford, Jonas Greer, J. A. Elmore, George
Ross, Ben Adair, Joseph Parks, Wm Price, Wm Gray., Robert Greer. Total £ 56 13 9.
[SCMAR, Vol. VIII, Winter 1980, No. 1, p.49]
1788, Oct- The history of the Duncan Creek
church in Laurens County contains some interesting stories that may
include some potential relatives. This Joseph Greer would have to be
the Joseph Greeer Jr. since senior would have died by this time.
According to this author John Duncan, first settled the area, was
Scotch-Irish pioneer from Pennsylvania. He erge [Sellers]
Ordained Oct 1788, by Rev. Joseph Alexander
Thomas McCrery, Joseph Greer, Samuel Laird,
Robert Long
James Craig, Robert Bell
1790- There are Six Greer heads-of-family in
Laurens county but Joseph Greer was the only one who had two males over
16. [Craft]
[U. S. Census , p. 83 Ninety-Six Dist. /
males slaves
Greer, James 2 1 4
- 1
Greer, Equilla 2 4 2
- 5
Greer, Solomon 2 - 4
- 1
[p. 84 ]
Greer, John
2 4 5 - -
[p. 75 ]
Greer, Robert 1 1
2 - -
Greer, James 1 5
2 - -
1799- Joseph Greer dies and Robert Greer becomes
the administrator of the will. This says to me that Robert was probably
the older of the children.
June 15, 1799. Recorded March 28, 1803.
"Robert Greer of Spartanburg, administrator of the estate of Joseph
Greer, deceased, to Joseph Greer for $261.50, 200 acres on Duncan's
Creek originally granted to Joseph
Greer deceased by Bull August 19, 1774. Bounded by John Greer.
Witness: John D. Kern, Samuel McConahey. George Whitmore, JP. [Laurens
Co., SC Deed Book G, p. 617.]
Feb. 15, 1803. Recorded March 27, 1803
"Robert Greer of Spartanburg, administrator of the estate of Joseph
Greer, deceased, to Joseph Greer for $132, 60 acres originally granted to Joseph Greer deceased
in 1790 by Pinckney on ridge between the Enoree River and Duncan Creek.
bounded by John Prather and Robert McCrery. Witness: Andrew McCrery,
Samuel McConahy. Note: the McCrery's here are certainly the related
McCrary family. [Laurens Co., SC Deed Book G, p. 608.] [records of John
Harrison on Genforum #3282]
1799 - Joseph Greer bought from Robert Greer 200
acres on Duncan Creek. Robert Greer Adm. of estate of Joseph Greer,
Deceased. Located between Enoree and Duncan's Creek. Bounded by lands
belonging to John Greer. witnesses: John D. Kern, Samuel McConahey
[Laurens Co., Deed Book G, p 617. 15 June 1799 ]
1803 - Robert Greer sells 20 and 200 acres to
Joseph Greer on Duncan Creek. This could only be to Joseph Greer Jr.
born in 1770, his father died before 1799. This is probably part of the
property that was originally own by John Greer "the immigrant".
[Laurens Co., Deed Book G, p 608 and p 617]
1820- U. S. Census show the heads of
households in Laurens and Spartanburg Co., SC
Greer, Benjamin [Spartanburg
249] 1 0 0 0 1 0
- 0 0 1 0 0
Greer, John [Laurens 013]
2 1 0 1 1
0 - 4 0 1 1 0
Greer, John [Laurens
0 0 0 0 1 0 - 2 0 0 1 0
Greer, Joseph [Laurens
1 2 0 1 0 1 - 2 0 1 1 0
Greer, Joseph [Spartanburg
239] 2 0 0 1 0 0
- 2 0 0 1 0
Greer, Robert [Spartanburg
238] 2 3 0 1 0 2
- 0 1 1 0 1
Craft, Janice. Greer/Davis families personal
research , privately published July 10, 2000. Janice Barnett Craft,
1166 Cloverdale Dr, Greenville, Miss 38701-8301, email -
"James Williams Petition", item #5767, microfilm and transcript copies
in the Manuscript Collection, Wm. R. Perkins Library, Duke University,
Durham North Carolina.
McCrary, Ann. records provided by 2216 Parkside Ct., Virginia Beach, VA.
Moss, Bobby Gilmer. Roster of South Carolina Patriots in the American
Revolution, Gen. Pub. Co., Inc., 1983
United States census records
South Carolina Magazine of
Ancestral Research, Vol. 1-20. Winter 1980
Sellers, Hazel Crowson. Old
South Carolina Churches, 1941- Duncan Creek Prebyterian Church
web page.
Abstracts of Old Ninety-six & Abbeville Dist. Wills & Records
1964, Georgia Genealogical Reprints, Rev. Silas Lucas. Vidalia, Georgia
History | Ancestoral Chart #17

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is for the express purpose of personal genealogical research and is
freely offered as long as this site is listed as a source. It may not
be included or used for any commercial purpose or included in any
commercial site without the express permission of Elroy Christenson.
Copyright Elroy Christenson 1998-2010.
web pages created by Elroy
Christenson- - last updated 8/10/10