Hollaway Family
Virginia, South Carolina
and Natchez Territory
John Hollaway
b. c1737 King and Queen Co., VA
d. Oct 1781 Natchez Territory,
1m. Elizabeth
b. 1 Mar 1750-51 Culpepper Co., VA#
d. 31 Aug 1817, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Territory
her father - James Taylor White
her 2m - John Stillee (Stilly/Still Lee)
his father - Robert Hollaway
his mother -Racheal ? [Gibbons]
children with Elizabeth White |
Elizabeth Hollaway |
b. bef 1766 ? |
d. Natchez/Louis. Terr. |
m. Cady Rabey (1760?NC- ?) |
George Hollaway |
b.1766 near Georgetown, SC |
d. 8 Dec1851 Burke Co., NC |
m. Mary Loving,(1768?-1852) |
William Hollaway |
b.1767 SC/NC |
d. maybe by 1799 |
m. |
John Hollaway |
b 1769 SC/NC |
d. ?
m. |
Robert Hollaway |
b.1774 SC |
d. c1833 Adams /Natchez |
m Rebecca Wells 22 Nov 1796
dau of John Wells and Joanna
Dewitt |
Mary Hollaway |
b 1777 |
d. |
m. ? Dewitt and perhaps Alexander Freeland |
James Hollaway |
b 1779 |
d. ? |
mother Eliz. Stilly grants Negro woman and her two sons as
his inheritance |
child |
b (due 1781) |
d. no knowledge of live birth |
m. |
#birth of Elizabeth White recorded in the Michael Lamport Stillee
bible, in the possession of Lloyd Stilley in Shreveport, LA [photocopy
from John Stilly]
c1737- John Holloway is born of Robert and Racheal Hollaway in King and
Queen Co., Virginia,perhaps the son of William Holloway who owned 100
acres in King and Queen Co. Virginina 1704. [This is a projection of
Michael Gibbons. All records of this county were burned. [Gibbon,
Michael. letter of March 14, 1995]
c1738- Elizabeth White is born to James Taylor White and Elizabeth
Powe in Virginia. They homestead on Gourd Vine Fork, Hazel River of
Thornton's line, 217 acres, 26 June 1749, in Culpepper Co. Virginia.
[Book G, Northern Neck Grants, Virginia State Archives] [White, Gifford.
James Taylor White of Virginia, p.3]
SEE the John Stillee baptism
records for Elizabeth indentification as a White.
c1750's Indian trouble caused many to leave Virginia for the
Carolinas. A land grant exists for James Taylor White in 1757, Craven
Co. South Carolina by the colonial government. [White, Gifford.
James Taylor White of Virginia, p.3]
1758-John Holloway is listed in the militia of Craven Co., NC troop
of horse commanded by Peter Rutgers, New Bern, IV - 15-1758 [Clark,
State Records of NC, v. 22, p. 323]
1759- John Holloway is on the list of Capt. Butler's Company
in Col. Geo. Gabrel Powell's battalion in expedition agaist Cherokees
X-59 to I1760 (S. C troops)
1762 -July 20- James Taylor White, father of Elizabeth, settles his
debts in Culpepper Co. Virginia before leaving for South Carolina.
Elizabeth's brothers may have stopped in North Carolina due to marrying
into families of that state. [White, Gifford. James Taylor White of
Virginia, p.4]
1760's- John Holloway settles near James Taylor White where he
undoubtedly gets to meet Elizabeth.
James White owns 200 acres adjacent to John Holloway. [Craven Co.
c1764-1767 - John Holloway has married Elizabeth White as attested
by the birth of the oldest surviving child, Elizabeth @1765-6.
George, the oldest son is born perhaps in @1766-7, the other boys ,
William(bc1767)and John(bc1768) are born in quick succession, although
there is no hard proof of exact birth dates. The court records show the
ages. [McBee, May Wilson. Natchez Court Records, Geneological
Pub. 1953]
1768, Aug. 15 - dateline: Charleston
... near Marr's Bluff, on Peedee river... an armed company of them (The
Regulators) headed by one Gideon Gibson, on the 25th past, near
Bludd, surrounded a constable and twelve men, who were sent to bring
one of the villans before a Magistrate, and after a short skirmish,
where two of the Constable's Party were mortally wounded, and one shot
thro the shoulder, took the Rest Prisoners, whom be discharged, after
ordering them 50 lashes each.[ White, Gifford. James Taylor White of
Virginia, p40 -41](from the Charleston newspaper)
Oct. 24 1768
"If we are to credit the depositions of George Thompson, William
Loving, James White, Stephen Sebastian, Godfrey Kerfoy, John Holloway,
Rueben White, and William White, produced ...? by Robert Weaver, Esq.
of Marr's Bluff, the conduct of Gideon
Gibson was not misrepresented in
the Paper of the 15th of August, unless by the omission of some
aggravating circumstances. "(from the Charleston newspaper) [ White,
Gifford. James Taylor White of Virginia, p40 -41]
1769 - John Hollaway is listed as a Taxpayer in Craven Co. North
Carolina. [North Carolina Taxpayers, 1701-1786, Vol, 1-2, Geneological
Pub. Co. Inc. Baltimore, Ohio 1989] [South Carolina Gazette, Aug. 15,
1772- Oct 10 - John Holloway shows up in the Pre-Revolutionary Plat
Books, South Carolina Archives. Holloway and Whites live as neighbors
in St. David's Parish, on Jefferson Creek and near the fork of the
Pedee River and Jefferson Creek . 21-424
James White, 200a Craven County Polk Swamp, adj. John Baxter, John
Holloway, 10 Oct. 1772. Thos. Powe, D. S.
They live together here from 1770-1775 but are forced to seek new lands
due to trouble with the Regulators(Tories). Their names appear as
witnesses to the excesses of the Tories. [Pre-Revolutionary Plat Books,
South Carolina Archives, quoted in JT White. p43-46]
1774- Robert Holloway is born. [McBee, May Wilson, Natchez Court
Records, Geneological Pub. 1953]
1777-78 - John White and James White receive land grants in Burke
Co. North Carolina. They live in Washington District of North Carolina,
which becomes Washington Co. of Tennessee. [ census and land records,
James Taylor White of Virginia, p52-54]
c1777- The whole White family clan was in Burke Co., North Carolina
after having sold all their property in South Carolina. (listed in the
Elizabeth White, Craven 100a Book 21, p. 421 (she is probably the wife
of James Taylor White rather than her daughter, Elizabeth who has
already married John Hollaway)
[Pre-Revolutionary Plat Books, 21-424, South Carolina Archives Dept. ,
in Gifford White. James Taylor White of Virginia, p45]
1778-81 John Holloway and Elizabeth decide to move themselves and
their children to Mississippi Territory. They probably take a flat boat
down the Tennessee River which hooks up with the Ohio and then down the
Mississippi River to Natchez as did the later White families. In
John's lawsuit of 1781 he states that he brought at least part of the
family down in two
pirogues (dug out canoes ).
1781-Sept. 8. - John Townsend versus John Hollaway . Townsend has an
account against John Holloway for $12; asks for an order of payment.
Sept. 8, 1781. Sig: John Townsend. Bill enclosed. // In reply John
Holloway states that he has a account against said Townsend for two
pirogues (dug out canoes ), in one of which the petitioner came to this
district and left in the care of the negress, Eleanor Price, from whom
the said Townsend took it, the other was blown out into the river, and
your petitioner commissioned the said Townsend to recover it for him
which he did by paying $4 to a certain Baptiste in the presence of Mr.
Gaillard and at the same time exchanged it for a smaller one which
would facilitate him on his way to Natchez. Now the said Townsend
refuses to make any compensation for the said pirougues. Asks for a
judgment for same. // Let this be communicated to the plaintiff.//
[McBee, May Wilson. Natchez Court Records, Geneological Pub.
1953, page 290] Book G. p6
1781- Oct. - John Holloway is killed by "Indians" and his wife
survives with the children. John Holloway was apparently working at the
time as "an overseerer" for the plantation of John Havard. In one
version of the story says that George Holloway, John's son, actually
saw the killing. George is said to have written about this in his later
years after he returned to live with his uncle, William White, in Burke
County, North Carolina. There is some suspicion that the Nellie Price
settled her dispute with John with this killing.
Book A. Page 48. 24 Oct 1781.
On notice received of death of John Holloway, killed by the Indians,
have apptd. as guardian to the children, minors, namely George 14,
William 13, John 12, Robert 7, Mary 4, James 2 and Elizabeth, widow of
sd John, has declared that she is seven months pregnant and has besides
another daughter Elizabeth, married to Cady Rabey, and the guardianship
falling naturally to the said widow Elizabeth, we have appointed her
guardian of the six children born and the child yet to be born which
charge she willingly accepted in the presence of Isaac Johnson, Frances
Farrell and William Vousdan who have signed with sd widow and
Page 49. 24 Oct. 1781. Issac Johnson and Daniel Perry apptd. appraisers
of inventory of estate of John Holloway in presence of Elizabeth
Holloway, the widow, Cady Rabey(her son-in-law), Francis Farrell and
Silas Crane. Following the inventory of household goods, carpenter
tools, plantation tools, animals and slaves, the widow declares that
there are two cows and two calves and one heifer belonging to her
eldest son given to him by James Grugg (or Gregg);
Page 50. also two cows and two calves belonging to her eldest daughter,
Elizabeth given to her on her marriage to Cadey Rabey. And as repects
the plantation it belong to Joshua Howard, who is absent from this
District. [McBee, May Wilson, Natchez Court Records,
Pub. 1953]
Further notes. p 597
Joshua Howard, also, was among those who petitioned the British Govt.
of West Florida for land on 6 Nov. 1776. He was given a warrant for 200
acres on Second Creek in the Natchez District and the receipt for
surveying fees was dated Jany. 22, 1777. Gut after the Spaniards took
possession of the territory, Howard left the District. (Asp-PL I 2600
24 Oct. 1781, the appraisers of the estate of John Holloway, decd.,
listed the plantation he lived on as belonging to Joshua Howard who was
absent from teh country. Joshua Howasrd went from the Natchez District
to the Cumberland settlement in what is now Middle tennessee, returning
to Natchez in 1789 (Min. Dav. Co. Ct. 1783-1791) A certificate as to
the above from Anthony Hutchins reads "I hereby certify that Mr. Joshua
Howard some time after his marriage
left this country and did return hither in the year 1789 where he has
lived ever since and hath supported
the character of an honest peasable man and good neighbor A Hutchins
Natchez, 15 Sept. 1797 (Gov. Winthrop Sargent Papers.)
[Natchez Court Records, Misc Notes page 597]
Transcribed by Elroy Christenson
from photocopies of the original
Book of Inventories Convayence, Book A, July 29th 1787 - Nov. 1787 p.
On the twenty fourth day of the month of October, in the year one
thousand seven hundred and Eighty one-- We, Charles De Grand Prei,
Lieutnant Colonel of the Regiment of Louisiana, Civil and Military
Commandant of the Post and District of Natchez, on notice received of
the death of John Holloway, killed by the Indians, have proceeded to
the appointment of a guardian to the Children, minors, namely, George,
aged fourteen years, William, aged thirteen years, John, aged twelve
years, Robert, aged seven years, Mary, aged four years, and James aged
two years, Elizabeth Holloway, Widow of the said John Holloway,
declared that she is seven months- pregnant, and has beside another daughter, named Elisabeth, married
to Cady Rabey: And the said
Guardiandship falling naturally to the said Widow Elisabeth, we have
appointed her guardian to her six children, minors, and to the child
yet to be born, Which charge she has willingly accepted, and promised
conscientiously to discharge; in presence of Isaac Johnson, Francois
Farrell and Willian Vousdan; who have signed with the said Widow and we
the Commandant aforesaid, the day and year before
written. -=Elizabeth
Holloway =
Vousdan= =Isaac Johnson=
Charles DeGrand Pré=
On the twenty fourth day of the
month of October the year one thousand
seven hundred and eighty one Charles De Grand Pré, Lieutenant
Colonel of the Regiment Lousiana, Civil and Military Commandant of the
port and District of Natches, on notice received of the death of John
Holloway killed at his Plantation by the Indians, distant five leagues
of the preceeded to the description and Inventory all the Estate
belonging to him and his ----wife, appointed guardian to his children,
minors, having preparatively ??? ed Isaac Johnson and Daniel
Perry, for the appraisement thereof, who have promised on oath to
discharge faithfully same; to which said Inventor we have
proceeded in, of the said Widow Elizabeth Holloway, Cady Raby,
her son in law, Francois Farrell and Silas Crane, in manner for
First. Two feather - Beds,
appraised to thirty Dollars.. . . . . .
Item. One pair of sheets, of
Beaufort Linen, appraised to Eleven
Item. One Blanket and one
Bedspread, appraised to ten Dollars...
Item. Two blankets appraised
to twenty Dollars.
Item. One chest and one small
trunk appraised together to two
Item. Six chairs, appraised to six Dollars....
Item. Two old
Pots, appraised to two Dollars...
Item. One Pot, of the
capacity of five gallons, appraised
to eight Dollars...
Item. One Pot, of the
capacity of five gallons, appraised to
eight Dollars ...
Item. One old skillet,
appraised to one Dollar....
Item. Five pewter Plates, and
two Dishes, appraised to five
Dollars and four rials....
Item. Four pewter Basons,
appaised to four Dollars ...
Item. Three plates, two
dishes , appraised to four Dollars......
Item. Three plates, two
dishes and one small Pot, of Earthen
ware, and the whole appraised to two Dollars...
Carpenter's tools.
One Cross-cut Saw, appraised
to twelve Dollars...
Item. One Hand-saw; appraised to
two Dollars and four Rials...
Item. One small Joiner's saw,
appraised to three Dollars ...
Item. Three inch augers, three
chisels, and two ???ders; the
whole appraised to six Dollars...
Item. One smoothing-plane and
three jacks = ditto amounts
of four dollars ---
Item. One grindstone,
appraised to two Dollars
Item. One Drawing
knife, appraised to four Dollars..
Item. One gun,
appraised to ten Dollars..
Item. Five axes, one of them
a Broad-axe, appraised Eighty
Item. Five hoes, appraised to
four Dollars .....
Item. One horse- Plough,
appraised to twelve Dollars...
Item. One small horse-
Harrorr, appraised to two Dollars...
Item. Five Sows, appraised to
twelve dollars
One Negro man, named "Samuel", of
the Angola ration, aged about fifty
hundred Dollars....
Item. A negro
wench, named "Sarah" native of
Barbadoes, aged about thirty years,
hundred Dollars.
Item. A negro girl
named "Dorinda", native of
Carolina, aged eight years, appraised to two hundred Dollars
Item. a negro girl, named "Bella", native of South
Carolina, aged about ten years, appraised to
two-hundred Dollars....
Item. The said Widow declares
that there are two cows, two
calves, belonging to her eldest Daughter Elizabeth, given to her of her
marriage with Cady Raby.
Item. And as respects the Plantation, it belongs to Joshua
Howard, who is absent from this District: and nothing more being
neither Titles nor Papers, we have closed the present Inventory,
amounting ot the sum of Eight hubndred and thirty three Dollars, and
the said effects, tools, slaves and animals, have been left in the
charge and care of the said Widow Elizabeth Holloway......
?(unreadable)Appraisers and Witnefses, and we the Ccommandante of hte
day and year written (Daniel Perry has duty and that he cannot
write) = Elizaberth Holloway= Isaac Johnson
= William Vousdan= Cady+
= Charles De Grand Pré =
above items is $833 which is totaled in the document)
One Setting for appointment of a
Preceps - verbal of ditto
Signature in
Two settings
Procefs verbal of
Signature in
from photocopies of the original
1782-May - The Whites arrive by flatboat at Natchez, Mississippi
Territory, as duly recorded by Carlos de Grand-Pre(commandant) July 6,
1782. Along with 72 American citizens and 88 slaves
[General Archives of the Indies, Spain, as copied by Dr. Jack D. L.
Holmes and printed in the JTW of Virginina]
about 1782 - Elizabeth Holloway versus Thomas Rule. She
represents that Thomas Rule owes her $4 and 4 rials for carpenter's
tools lent to him, namely one hand-saw, one chisel; asks payment.
Sig: Eliz. Hollway. // let Thomas Rule be notified to
satisfaction with three days. [Natchez Court Records, 1781-1798, page
c 1782- Elizabeth marries John Stillee/Still Lee/ Stille [Gibbons/
White] George Holloway, the oldest of their sons, decides to return to
Burke Co., North Carolina where he remains to raise a family with the
aid of his uncle, William White. The other children remain with
Elizabeth and John Stillee in the Natchez region. [Gibbons]
Robert Hollaway, John Stillee and Cady Raby end up on several legal
documents of the Natchez Territory. [McBee, May Wilson. Natchez
Court Records, Geneological Pub. 1953]
1783, January 10 - Petition of John Heathly to Don Carlos DeGrand
Pre. Heathly has demand for 48 Dollars against Ruben Alexander, a
planter of this District, whose negro stole this sum from him. Somehow
Negro escaped to Baton Rouge where he was retaken. From a trunk that
held Heathly and Alexander's clothes, Alexander took a packet of
letters directed to Captain Foster. The Negro watched his opportunity
and robbed Heathly of 100 Dollars cash, which was occasioned by his
master's neglect. The negro has since been with Mr.Holloway. At
Holloway's death the negro was sold. Alexander went to Baton Rouge to
receive payment for said negro. Alexander has no intention of settling
with Heathly. Natchez. January 10, 1783
Francis Farwell, attornery for District of Natchez, says he found
in the possession of sd negro fifty two dollars out of the hundred,
also begs interest upon same for two years.
The subscribers say that when the accused negro was given up to
English law, and escaped from officers of justice without his master's
consent, said master is not liable to prosecution on his account.
Natchez, Feb 7, 1782
Isaac Johnson, Wm Pountney, [blank] Harrison [Natchez Postscripts
1785, April 30 -
Agreement betwixt John Stilly and James Brown, provides that George and
William Holloway or two others as good shall work in the crop along
with four able negroes. [Natchez Postscripts p101/33]
1789 - James Holloway (probable son of John) gives an Oath of
Allegiance to the United States in Natchez District, Mississippi.
[MS Early Census Index, page 109]
1797, Dec 6 - John Still Lee and Elizabeth Still Lee, Natchez, for
$600 pd. by John Girault, Natchez, sell Negro Bella age about 26 yrs.
American born, and her child, Rose, about 2 1/2 years. Ack. before
Stephen Minor, Gov. Pro tem, 5 Dec 1797. John Still Lee. Elizabeth W.
Still Lee. Witness: William Moss, Thomas Tyler. 6 Dec 1797. Ack. before
Estevan Minor in presence of William Vousdan and Windsor Pipes [Natchez
Postscripts p144-45/48]
1798, 14 March. - John Still Lee and wife Elizabeth Still Lee of
Bayou Pierre dist., Natchez Govt, to Ebenezer Rees of St. Catherine.
For [blank] Dollars, 764 acres bounded by Harkey, Carter, Perkins.
noted by Fulton, w. by Dewit and Armstrong. Witness: Edward Randolph,
Henry Milburn. Deed ack. by John Still Lee, 16 March 1798. Edwd.
Randolph swears that Mrs. Elizabeth Still Lee acknowledged within to be
her free act. Proved before Cato West, 16 March 1798. [Natchez
Postscripts p 151/50]
1813-1816 - John's children go off in many different directions.
Although unproved, many researchers including myself believe that John
Jr. was the John Holloway that settled in Rapides Parish Louisiana by
1813 along with his brother, James. John Hollaway files a land claim to
600 "superficial arpents of Land," on middle fork bayou creek in Rapide
Co, Territory of Orleans now the state of Louisiana; bounded by land of
James Hollaway, between 1813 and 1816 [Documents ... US Congress.
Gibbons, Michael F., personal research. 424 Norwood St. S. W., Lenoir,
NC 28645
Holloway, Lisabeth M. personal research. email -
LDS records
McBee, May Wilson. Natchez Court Records ,Abstract of Early Records,
1767-1805, Geneological Pub. 1953
Pre-Revolutionary Plat Books, South Carolina Archives.
Stillee, Michael Lamport. "the Stilley bible in the possession of Lloyd
Stilley in Shreveport, LA [photocopy from John Stilly]
White, Gifford E. James Taylor White of Virginia, 1994. 1034
Capital Parkway #223,Austin, TX 78746, phone(512)327-6003
US Census
Wills, Carol. Natchez Postscripts 1781-1798, reprinted by
Heritage Books, Inc, c 1992, 1540-E, Bowie, MD 20716, (301)390-770
Return to Hollaway Index
|| Ancestor Chart #14 || Elizabeth and John Stillee (Stilly/Still Lee)
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researchers. The information here is for the express purpose of
personal genealogical research and is freely offered as long as this
site is listed as a source. It may not be included or used for any
commercial purpose or included in any commercial site without the
express permission of Elroy Christenson. Copyright Elroy Christenson
web pages created by Elroy Christenson- - last updated 8/10/10