Watson Family
William Watson
b. about 1700 possibly Isle of Wight, Northhampton, Virginia
d. 28 Oct 1767 (See application document of 1782)
m. Penelope Watson,
according to most sources, no known documentation
b. abt 1710
her father: possibly
John Watson, brother to William
her mother:
his father - ? Watson b. ?Wales
his mother-
Children |
Capt. Michael Watson
(Rev. militia)
b. 10 April 1726 according
to most researchers, seems
early to me. [DAR Patriot index. p3120]
d. 5 May 1782 in battle in
Dean's Swamp, Orangeburg Co., S. C.
m. Martha Watson, (d.
1817)dau. of John Watson.[SAR application]
one application says Martha Brown
(She remarried Jacob Odum(children Charity and
William Watson |
b. abt 1728 SC
d. c 1767 (See application
document of 1782) |
m. unknown
#children records from Carol Black-Rossow
William Watson is one of several Watson brothers who came to South
Carolina in the early 1700's through New York, then down to
Virginia. They then moved down through North Carolina
arriving in South Carolina about 1745. According to Sam
Watson, a Watson family researcher, the Watson brothers owned
through various grants offered by King George II and King George III
and purchases about sixteen square miles of South Carolina land.
There is a good deal of conflicting information about the wife of
William as well as the makeup of the children of William. The
first record of 1745 stated that William only had one brother and no
sisters. I don't have any documentation of who the daughters
may have been and because of birth dates I've listed the few females
as daughter of William Jr. because I feel that my previous records
had skipped a generation.
1720 - A William Watson is listed on a "Petite" Jury list in
South Carolina, [US Census Reconstructed Records, 1660-1820, page
12, family 51, Ancestry.com]
"In the sixteenth century the
Watson's came from Wales, by way of England, to New York, from
there to Va., Then through N.C., leaving some of the colony along
the way at each of the places named. They finally reached S.C. in
1745, where they settled, and their descendents have remained to
present day, on lands granted by King George II and King George
III, to which they added large acreage by purchase. The Watson
family owned by grant and purchase sixteen square miles of land at
one time; it lay between the Saluda and the Edisto rivers. Our
ancestors William and John Watson, six generations from us, and
the founders of our tract. He came to the ridge in 1745; he had
one brother, no sisters of which we know, but with him were three
Watson Brothers who were his first cousins. Williams Wife, we
think, was named Penelope and was a sister of John Watson. John
Watson's daughter, Martha, married Capt. Michael Watson, her first
cousin. John Watson was a brother to William Watson's wife, also
brother to Richmond, Arthur, and Ezekil. The oldest John, on whom
we have a record, came over in the seventeenth century, on the
same boat with Elizabeth Smith, whom he rescued from Drowning and
on reaching New York married. They settled in the New York State."
Michael was the son of William and Penelope and had no brothers
but four sisters, namely, Mary Perry, Patunes Anderson, Sarah
Perry, and Keziah Willias. ....
William Watson, the founder of the Watson family, met his death
through treachery of false friends, while fighting the Cherokee
Indians at the Edisto River.
We are decended from two branches of the Watson family, namely
William and John. Elijah Watson said there was only one family of
Watsons and they all came over at the same time."
[Mr. Sam Watson. article on The Watson Family published in
The Carolinas Genealogical Society Bulletin. Vol. VII, no.1
Summer 1970]
1762- Michael Watson was in the militia of South Carolina in an
expedition against the Cherokee Indians led by Colonel Grant of
the regular Army. During these and other expeditions
tracking down lawless bandits in 1767 and 1768 he proved his
valor. [Johnson p543]
1769, Dec 21 - Capt. Michael Watson files a plat for 50 acres on
Cloud Creek, "a sometimes dry branch of the Saluda River" in
Colleton County. surveyed by John Fairchild. [South
Carolina Archives, vol. 19, page 283]
1770, Jan 24, - Edward Couch of Edgefield Co., SC is
originally granted about 423 acres land by Gov. William Bull near
Clouds Creek of Little Saludy River.
1770 about - Artemus Watson marries Hannah Bell (born December 3,
1753) in South Carolina. They had one daughter together,
Elizabeth Watson (1778-1870 at age 92) who married James Ogilvie.
"She (Hannah Bell Watson) had a daughter , Elizabeth Watson
(1778-1870) who married James
Ogilvie. Mrs Benjamin Howard Gray of Shreveport,
Louisiana, has a diary of her great-great grandmother, Elizabeth
Watson Ogilvie who lived to the age of ninety-two and who state in
her diary: "My mother's maiden name was Hannah Bell who with her parents, came from near
Petersburg, Virginia, and first settle in Congaree, from thence
they moved to Edgefield district South Carolina several years
before the Revolutionary War. I have no recollection of my father (Artemus Watson) as
he died when I was an infant. My mother was left a widow
with three children. Sister Rebecca (Mrs. Lowe), Benjamina
and myself. She then married Burdet Eskridge, by whom she had one child, a
daughter, Martha,
Escridge(sic), my stepfather, was a true Whig, and volunteered on
a scouting excursion under Capt. Starling Turner down the country
against the Tories at a place said to be Orangeburg. Capt.
Turner with his entire command was surrounded and butchered in
cold blood. My step-father and a
maternal Uncle (Benjamin Bell) were of the number.
This was the bloody work of Bloody Bill Cunningham, the Tory
Captain. Several years afterward, about five I think, my mother
married Daniel Bullock, a Virginian." Later in her diary,
Elizabeth Watson Ogilvie states: "James Ogilvie and I were married
September 1, 1797, by Uncle William Daniel. We lived with my
brother, Benjamin Watson ( who fell heir to the land on which I
was raised by virtue of the law of primogeniture) for one
year. The year 1799 we lived with old Mr. John
Douglas. The year 1800 we lived with old Mr. S. S.
Brooks."[Bell page 67]
1770, Nov. 1, - William Dooly sold land to Edward
Couch, both of SC. Sold 150 acres for 250 pounds originally
granted Jan. 24, 1770 being near Clouds Creek a branch of Little
Saluda River adj. E by Henry Hartley and N by Moses Powel. S/
William Dooly. Wit: Patrick McDougal, Michael Walton, William
Clark, who swore by oath April 29, 1793 before Henry King, JP.
Recorded April 30, 1793. [South Carolina Archives, vol. 14, page
Pursuant to a precept directed
under the hand and seal of John
Bremar Esq DSG. bearing date the 7th day of August 1770, I have
measured and laid out unto Capt
Watson a plantation or tract of one hundred and fifty
acres of land, situated in Colleton County, near Cloud Creek.
Butting and bounding to the NW part on land held by Wm Watson and part on vacant
land to the SW on land held by Edwd
Couch, to the SE part on land held by Edwd Couch, and
part on land held by Capt. Michael Watson, to the NE part on
land by Capt Michael and part on land held by John Watson;
And hand such shape for and marks as the above plat, above,
Ord. Co. Oct.
John Fairchaild, DS,
1772, Feb 25 - Michael Watson files a memorial for 150 acres on
"Clouds Creek, in Colleton County, SC. other names listed are
Edward Couch, John Watson and William Watson. [South
Carolina Archives, vol. 11, page 136]
1776 - p. 272-274 This
land transfer is interesting in that it is not finalized until
1798, several years after Michael Watson dies in 1782.
William Kirkland to Michael Watson. Bond, 5 March 1776, Wm
Kirkland obliged unto Michael Watson L600 SC money, condition Wm
Kirkland to make title to 100 acres, part held by Jno Dooly, part
by Wa Crawford of Charlesdon, sd land was laid out on
warrant of John Kinney unto Michael Watson 1 Sept next
ensuing. Wit Mark (x) Lott, James (x) Lott. /s/ Wm
Kirkland. Proven 25 Jan 1790 by Mark Lott Senr; Russel
Willson J P. Rec 14 April 1798. [Edgefield County,
South Carolina: Deed Books 13, 14, 15. p. 93]
1776 - Michael Watson was involved in a skirmish at Little River
where he helped rescue a division of milita from the
Cherokee. The Tories controlled the up country once
Charleston was taken.
"The Tory Colonel, Kin Williams, came to the plantation
with three hundred men? Watson was not at home at the time,
or he would probably have been killed. They burned every
house on the place: killed every hog and cow, and all the poultry
and either destroyed or carried away all the provisions. The
the assistance of his neighbors, he made another home eight miles
away, but he was still frequently disturbed. On one ocassion a man
named Hartley undertook to carry off the only horse he had
left. Watson was then at home and was too much for
Hartley. He fired upon him, wounded him in the arm, and took
prisoner: made him go home with him, dressed his wound and treated
him with greatest kindness. Such kind treatment from Watson and
his family had so good an effect upon Hartley that he left the
Tories, became a good Whig and served under Watson. Often
after the war he was heard to relate these facts. "[Watson p.
148-149 who used Johnson (below) p. 548]
Watson was at this time an industrious prosperous farmer,
living on the Ridge, in Edgefield District, with a young family,
enjoying that property which he had acquired by the sweat of his
brow; but they were not safe from lawless depredations. He
united with the whigs for self-defence, and was chosen a
leader. This rendered him more conspicuous -- his party
increased, and he became their captain; but this multiplied his
enemies in a greater proportion. Being personally much
respected and esteemed by the whigs, his command became extensive,
alike in number of men and region of country. He thus had
opportunities of exhibiting his decision and energy in action, and
fertility in expedients, when surrounded with danger, as well as
his courage in battle. Under these circumstances, Captain Watson drew dwon on
himself the vengence of the British authorities, and of their
pliant tools, the tories. But he rose in proportion high in
the confidence of General Pickens, and other leading officiers fo
the American revolution.
On one occasion, a party of tories surrounded Captain Watson's house in the
dead of night, while he was in bed. He heard them consulting at
one end of his house about the mode of attack, and concluded that
this critical moment must not be lost. Seizing his gun, he
leaped out the door in the other end of the house, and
escaped to the woods, about fifty yards off. He then
halloaed aloud, as if to collect a body of men on guard, " come on
boys -- here they are -- charge up to the house!" and fired his
gun to indicate that their enemies were on their track. The
tories were accordingly alarmed, and took flight. On another
occasion, the enemy surrounded his house in the open day; Captain
Watson was alone with his family, but did not entertain a thought
of surrendering. He leaped out of the window, and ran for the
woods. The tories saw him, and kept firing at him as long as
in sight, but he escaped without injury. His clothes,
indeed, were riddled, but he was unhurt. After this narrow
escape, a tory colonel, named Kin Williams, came to his plantation
with a host of three hundred men, each having a green oak leaf in
his hat. Watson was absent, and thus escaped personal
danger. But they burnt every house on the settlement; every
cow and hog was killed or driven away; the poultry in the
well-stocked barnyard all shot, and the provisions of every kind
wantonly burnt or carried off.
American Revolution in the South:...]
1782- Michael Watson is listed in the Lineage Book of Daughters
of the American Revolution, under the descendant of Miss Mary
Elizabeth Carwile. born in South
Carolina. #11783
Descendant of Capt. Michael Watson, of South Carolina.
Daughter of William Edward Carwile and Chloe Watson, his wife.
Granddaughter of Stanmore Watson and Elizabeth Hutchinson, his
Gr. - granddaughter of Elijah Watson and Chloe Wimberly, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Michael Watson and ________ Watson
(cousin) his wife.
Michael Watson, who was born in Virginia, commanded a company in
South Carolina during the Revolution. he was a prominent
Whig, and mortally wounded in a conflict with the Tories in
Orangeburg County, 1782.
D.C., pub. 1900., item notes: v.12]
1782, May 25 - charged in the Royal Gazette
" the truce was broken by the Whigs;
Major Goodwyn of the Congaree militia with eighteen men from the
post at Four Holes at midnight seizing Captain Cheshire and three
of his men at a friend's house on the Edisto. But this action was
probably brought on by the collection of a body of hostile Tories
on Dean Swamp, a branch of the South Edisto, near the present town
of Salley.
Captains Michael
Watson and William Butler of Pickens's brigade, learning
of the assembling of the party of Tories, determined to break them
up. The Expedition was formed at the Ridge, in what is now
Edgefield, with
Captain Watson
in command.
Watson's men
were mounted militia armed with rifles and muskets, Butler's were
cavalry armed with pistols and cutlasses. The party moved
forward at sunset to surprise the Tories. They moved with
great rapidity and captured a disaffected man named Hutto, whom
they hurried along with them under guard. As they approached
the Tory encampment Hutto made his escape and gave notice to the
Tories of
approach; upon which an ambush was arranged for the approaching
Whigs. When Hutto's escape was reported, Watson declared his
opinion that the expedition should be abandoned; but Butler
thought otherwise, and they continued to advance. As the Whigs
approached the edge of the swamp two men were observed as if
endeavoring to hid themselves. Butler,
Watson and Sergeant Vardel --
a very brave man -- rode rapidly forward to capture them.
Watosn first discovered that these men were only a decoy, and when
too late warned the others that the whole of the Tories were there
concealed. The Tories arose on being discovered, and poured
on their assailants a well-directed fire, which brought down
Watson, Vardell, and several other of the foremost Whigs.
Upon the fall of Watson, Butler assumed command, and, though
sorely pressed, brought off the wounded men; but now found to his
mortification that the infantry had little ammunition left, and
that the enemey were advancing upon him. In this emergency
John Corley, his lieutenant, made a desperate charge on the enemy,
and that so unexpectedly was the throw them into confusion;
following up his advantage, his men, mingling in the disorded
ranks of the enemy, prevented them rallying. Butler
continued his impetuous onslaught until the Tories took refuge in
the swamp. As the Whigs returned in triumph, the gallant Vardell
made an effort to rise and wave his hand in exultaion, but fell
back and expired. He was buried in the field.
Watson survived until the Whigs
reached Orangeburgh, but died immediately afterwards."
[McCardy, page 628]
In the application of Elliott William Reed, #47218, for the Sons
of the American Revolution in 1929 in an article was used to
support the application was from John A Chapman, "The History of
Edgefield Co., pages 37, 38, 67, 146, 150.
Michael Watsons first essay in
arms with the militia of S. C. was in 1762. against the Cherekee
Indians, led by Col. Grant of the Reg. Army. He was found
very forward; have efficient in opposition to the lawless
banditts of 1768. In 1767 he, with his father and bro
William with 10 other captured some and killed others of a band
of mauraders Capt. Watsons father William Watson & brother
William were killed by the outlaws. When the Rev. was began
Watson was already known for his bravery & courage & was
made Captain of a Co. of Whigs in Le Roy Hammonds Reg. (pg 67).
In the war against the Cherokee in 1776 he rendered very
efficient services at Little River. In May 1782 Capt
Watson led his Co. Against a band of Tories under Cruger in
Deans Swamp near Orangeburg, S. C. was severely wounded &
died. He was buried with military knows in Orangeburg, S. C.
near where the monument now stands.
1782, 26 MAY - Michael Watson makes his last will. (much
of the inside margin is missing) p. 32
Will of Mich'l Watson (name missing
from heading of will ) Ninety six District.
Wife MARTHA WATSON, part of a tract of 300 acres "during her
natura(life) except my land on Cloud's cr(eek) be sold and money
to be equally divided between my wife duringher w(idowhood? for
the ) support of my Children all my Personal Est(ate) time then my
will is that ( ) her and my Childre be eually divided
by my executo(rs). Executors, wife MARTHA, and friends ( )
WATSON and ROBERT STARK,. signed 5-26-1782. Witness
Proved by RICHMAN WATSON 7-22-1782 in the Ordinary's Officed
before PAT. CALHOUN, Surrogate. "A Copy Given Excrs. " [No. 6.
Calhoun Journal (Edgefield, SC)]
1787, Feb. 5 - Edward Couch received a land patent in Edgefield
Co., SC.
May 13, 1816, Hezekiah Bush sold to Hames Temples for $400 a tract
of land containing 30 acres, part of a tract of land granted to Edward Couch by Patent,
February 5, 1787, and one tract in the District containing 160
acres, being part of a tract granted to Isaac Bush by Patent bearing date, September 14,
1797, beginning at S. Edisto to Emsley Lott's mill, running a path
that leads to Hohn Bush's corner. Witnessed: Willis Couch and Richard Gibson, Jr. (Vol 37,
pp13, 14 Edgefield County Deeds)
1788 - p. 313-216 Arthur Watson & Robert Stark exors of
will of Michael Watson decd to Richard Watson. L&R, 1
February 1788/2 February 1788, L17 lawful money, 150 acres
in Colleton County near Clouds Creed adj William Watson, Edward
Couch, John Watson. Wit; Samuel Sotcher, Henry King.
/s/Arthur (A) Watson. /s/ Robert Stark.
Proven 10 Oct 1798 by Henry King; Rd Tutt. Rec. 10
Octr 1796. [Wells p. 22]
1790 - US Census, Edgefield County, SC
Couch 1 male over 16, 3 males under
16, 6 females and 4 slaves.
1791, Aug. 30 - Edward files a plat for 206 Acres on Beach
Creek, Edgefield Co., Ninety Six Dist., surveyed by Robert Lang on
Dec. 13, 1786. [South Carolina Archives, series S213190, vol. 27,
page 278, item 1]
1791- Martha Watson, Michael Watson's widow, marries again to
Jacob Odom about whom this plaque is describing. The Saluda
County Historical Commission and the State of South Carolina
erected the plaque, Marker number 41-3, in 1970. . The plaque
states: " Jacob Odom House. This site, approximately halfway
between August and Columbia, was the location of Jacob Odom's
house, where George Washington spent the night of May 21, 1791, on
his trip northward through South Carolina. His escort at this time
consisted of Colonels Wade Hampton and Thomas Taylor, and Mr.
Robert Lythgoe. This stop is noted in Washington's diary."
"the state historical marker
near the site of Jacob Odom's
house, which was located approximately halfway between
Augusta and Columbia. President
Washington spent the night here on May 21, 1791.
Among his entourage was Colonel Wade Hampton. ... Like most of his
stops, Washington's visit to the home of Jacob and Martha Odom
attracted a sizable crowd of well-wishers. Well into the second
half of the nineteenth century, old-timers in the area still told
stories of shaking hands with the president.
In the course of his visit here, Washington met
Jacob Odom's stepchildren, who were the offspring of Captain Michael Watson. When the
president learned that their father had lost his life in the
Revolution, he gave one of the smallest children a gold coin. "
[Barefoot p. 125]
1794 - Edward Couch dies in Old Edgefield District of SC, now
Saluda. His estate is settled and his listed heirs include
Watson Couch, Moses Holston, Henry Spann, and Moore Johnson.
(Claire Furth 2002)
His estate is apparently not settled until 1813.
1796 -
page 267-269
- Edward
Couch to John Spann.
grant to sd Couch 5 August 1793, Horse Creek, Loseway Branch,
plantation where Toserlin formerly lived on west side of Caraway
Branch. Wit John Permenter, Jacob (D) Dove, John Kent.
/s/ Edward Couch. Reliquishment of dower by Absela Couch widow of within named Edward Couch decd, 10 Oct
1796; Joseph Hightower. Proven 10 Octr 1796 by John
Kent; Rd Tutt. Rec 10 Oct 1796. [ page 18, Carol
page 292-293 - Edward Couch to John
Kent. Deed, 10 October 1796, F0, 150 acres being part of a
grant to sd Couch 5 August 1793, on Horse Creek. Wit J. Spann, Asceila (X)
Permenter. /s/ Edward Couch. Renunciation of dower by
Asselia Couch widow of
within named Edward Couch 10 Oct 1796; Joseph Hightower,
/s/ Asselia Couch. Proven 10 Oct 1796 by Wm Watson; Aquila Miles
J. P. Rec 10 Oct 1796.
[page 20. Edgefield County,
South Carolina. Deed Books 13, 14, & 15. Carol
Wells, Ge Lee Corley Hendrix]
page 313-216 - Arthur Watson & Robert Stark exors of will of Michael Watson decd to
Richmond Watson.
Lease and Release, 1 February 1788/2 February 1788, L17
lawful money, 150 acres in Colleton County near Clouds Creek
adj William Watson, Edward Couch, John Watson. Wit: Samuel Sotcher, Henry King.
/s/ Arthur (A) Watson. /s/ Robert Stark. Proven 10 Oct
1796 by Henry King; Rd Tutt. Rec 10 Octr 1796.
[page 22. Carol Wells]
p. 180-183
Elijah Watson, planter, to Job Padgett. Deed, 11
August 1796, L2 SC money, 10 acres on Clouds Cr of Little Saluda
River, being part of land former granted unto Elias Daniel of 300 acres by
Gov Wm Bull, conveyed to Michael Watson deceased; now Elijah Watson heir of Michael Watson
decd conveys to Job Padget 10 acres . Wit William Wright,
Thomas Deloach. /s/ Elijah Watson. Plat by Wm Wright
DS. Proven 13 May 1797 by Thos Deloach; Elkanah Sawyer JP. Rec 13
March 1798. [ Wells p. 88]
Barefoot, Daniel W. Touring South Carolina's
Revolutionary War Sites. pub. John F. Blair, Pub.
1999. Winston-Salem, NC Baughn, Linda - records on Genforum, Dec
6, 2002.
Bell, James Elton. Sir
Robert Bell and His Early Virginia Colony Descendants: A
Compilation of 16th, 17th, and 18th Century English and Scottich
Families With the Surname Bell, Beale, Le Bel, Et Al.
pub. by Wheatmark, Inc., 2007.
Couch, Robert H. , "One Alabama Couch Family", 1007 Felton Lane,
1/1/2000 Auburn, AL 36830 tel: (334) 887-7348 e-mail:
Furth, Claire, records on Genforum, November 30, 2002
Johnson, Joseph. Traditions and
Reminiscences, Chiefly of the American Revolution in the South:
including Biographical Sketches, Incidents, and Anecdotes, Few
of which Have Been Published Particularly of Residents in the
Upper County. pub. Walker & James, Charleston, SC.
McCardy, Edward. The
History of South Carolina in the Revolution, 1780-1783. The
Macmillan Co., 1902
Sons of the American Revolution, archives application of Elliot
William Reed, 1929
South Carolina Archives,
U. S. Census records
Watson, Sam. article on "The Watson Family" published in The Carolinas Genealogical Society
Bulletin. Vol. VII, no.1 Summer 1970]
Wells, Carol and Ge Lee Corley Hendrix. Edgefield County,
South Carolina. Deed Books 13, 14, & 15. Heritage Books
Elroy's Family Index || Ancestor Chart #11

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