Curiosity and need for confirmation
brought me to taking the DNA test through in
the first place. I had several lines that had marginal
sources and perhaps fabricated lineage from other researchers
that I hoped to refute or change. I was looking for other
researchers that were following some of the lines with the hopes
that they could give me clues as to where my research should be
directed. The DNA testing I thought of as a possible
gimmick but a fun exercise that could reap some potential
benefit. It is painless but enlightening in unexpected
ways. The results of DNA analysis of my particular haplogroup
have verified some of my original historical research back 7 to
10 generations of several lines. I am hoping to have all
the lines verified but this researching technique is new and
growing in complexity and interest. Presently seems to have confirmed that my "variation" of
FT192265, "downstream" of I1-L22 is real. Of the seven
individuals tested to this same group five had not identified
their male ancestor's location or it was "unknown". One
was identified as Germany and one was identified as
Denmark. I believe this Danish person is me.
Some of the first contacts with DNA matches were with people who
had done very little in historical research and were hoping for
a quick information on their own families without offering
anything in return. Sometimes they had only researched
their own immediate families. A few have had an adoption
in their background which presented a major dead end. This
is not unlike traditional genealogy research. I share my
research freely rather than putting it on a commercial genealogy
site. However, much of my work has ended up on these site
because others have used that for their own families. I
have no real problem with that because much of what I have used
has been developed by other researchers with whom I have
corresponded and conferred. I only ask that my web pages be
given credit as the source. I would also request that DNA
researchers at least identify who they are and give some
background of their ancestors.
We know that Homo Sapiens first settled in Europe between 40,000
and 35,000 YBP("Years Before Present") probably during a
particularly warm spell but forced back out after the glaciers
returned between 20,000 - 16,000 YBP. [Carpelan]. The I1
group is said to have been the first group of people to arrive
in northern Scandinavia. My DNA was first analyzed to the
particular haplogroup of I1-M253. The I1-M253 is one of
the oldest lines in Europe going back, according to present
theories, to 3,470 to 5,070 years. The originating line
of I-M170 seems to come into Europe about 10,000 BCE or
15,000 BCE. The I-M253 springs from this with its mutation
about 1000 to 2000 years before some of the other groups and
actually may go back to only 8 male and female pairs and their
offspring. This first group of settlers are known now by
familytreeDNA as "Hunter-Gatherers". Initially they were
identified by country names but that to me was very wrong since
no countries existed at that time. There are still debates
among DNA researchers as how this puzzle goes together.
The "Hunter-Gatherers" first came into present day Europe about
45,000 years ago. Their population was overwhelmed by the
migrations of the Neolithic Farmers who came out of the Fertile
Crescent of present day Syria and Iraq eventually migrating
through into present day Turkey and Greece by 6800bce and Spain
by 5200bce. At 5500bce in a present-day Romanian river valley
was one of first settlements of fishermen and farmers living
side-by-side to establish the Indo-European people who settle
western Europe. About 4000bce they also moved into
the British Isles and Scandinavia. Remnants of their DNA
is still visible in contemporary populations, according to the
latest article in National Geographic magazine, 2019 by Andrew
Curry. [Curry. Nat. Geo., Aug, 2019]
A new culture has been identified recently that comes in from
the north. The Yamnaya culture that developed the use of
the horse and cart seems to be centered in the Ukraine and
southern Russia but also spreads into Asia and moves through the
Balkins 3300bce into France by 2200bce perhaps because of their
mobility. They may be the makers of "Corded Pottery"
2900bce that takes the dominate roll in population in Europe
around 2200bce in the British Isles. There is a great mystery
about the events that brought that about. According to
Curry, since their roots are in the Near East they may
have built up some immunity for a form of the very contagious
Black Plague. If the originating settlers of Europe had no such
immunity their culture could have easily have been wiped-out and
supplanted by the Yamnaya. This is the R1b DNA that is
still the 2nd most dominate population of Europe and the most
dominate in Norway. They are the burial mound builders.
[Curry. Nat. Geo., Aug, 2019] They may be the Tarim mummy people
described below in Western China and Tibet.
One change of the DNA was a mutation that brought about I1-L22
about 4100bce and later I1-P109 was identified at about 3,000 to
4,000 years old. The present theory is that I-M253 was dispersed
from Denmark and I-P109 in particular is associated with the
southern Denmark Scandinavians. [wikipedia 2015] Whereas
the L22+ "is the main Nordic subclade. It is also very common in
Britain, especially on the east coast where the Vikings settled
most heavily, in the Low Countries and Normandy (also
doubtlessly the heritage of the Danish Viking), as well as in
Poland and Russia (Swedish Vikings)." ["Haplogroup I1" 2016] The I haplogroup was much more dominate in
the ancient skeletal remains in Denmark (up to 13%) and was
theoretically overwhelmed by new emigrate strains from other
areas ("I" group now about 2.5%). It may have been the dominate
"ancient Southern Scandinavian type." [Hofreiter] It is still
more frequent in Finnish populations than any other country in
Europe. Other groups, such as R1B1, frequently associated with
the Germanic tribes, comes in later and through other migratory
routes. The I1 haplogroup is the most common in northern
Europe and is found in about 35% of the male population of
Scandinavia and Finland. It was present in Mesolithic
Hunter-Gatherers times along side G2a2b group from Western
Hungary. Ken Nordtveldt's theories on DNA
inheritance spreads back to humanoid beginnings and lays out an
interesting history here used in the topic of
on [Nordtveldt 2010] It has spread to
other regions through settlements and invasions and shows up in
much small numbers in Germany, England, Scotland, Ireland,
Russia and France. Some of the DNA spread in Britain
through the Anglo-Saxon and Jute invasions after the fall of the
Roman empire. In reality the Saxons came from the southern
end of the Jutland peninsula, Germany and Holland whereas the
Jutes came from the northern end and Angles from the middle.
These tribes have often been broadly called Germanic but were a
true mixture obviously containing a good deal of Scandinavian
DNA. See the map on haplogroup I1 at the this web site
which also has much other information.
["I1 DNA"]
David Widerberg Howden of the Norway group laid out the
time sequence for the different haplogroups. [Howden 10/13/2016]
- DF29: Is dated around 4700 Time to most recent
- CTS6364: Is dated around 4200 Time to most recent
- L22: Is dated around 4100 Time to most recent
- P109: Is dated around 3400 Time to most recent

Denmark in 1500
digital copy
owned by Elroy Christenson

This map shows the dominate regions for I1-M253.
The analysis of DNA is continuing to develop a more accurate
picture of the origination of human migration. My own DNA
was first analyzed as I1-M253 DNA and now confirmed I1-L22 is
also, according to the familyfinder/myOrigins autosomal analysis
is 50% Hunter/Gatherer, 40% Farmer, 10% Metal Age Invader. This
seems to be most easily explained by some connection to the
early nomadic tribes across the ice sheets - very unexpected. My
own analysis originally showed a surprising 1-2% connection to
East Asia and Northern Siberia. This is has now been
changed to the Eastern European connection in the Magyar,
centered on the Danube river basin in Hungary/Romania, at 4%.
Although my own ancestors may not come from the Tarim basin,
just north of Tibet, this discovery adds historical weight to
the present theory of migration. The I1- L22 group is also
known as "ultra Norse" by Professor Ken Nordvedt, one of the
early scientists of DNA. Some others have titled this as
"Continental/Scandinavian". I suspect this is intended to show
the extent of the spread of this early group into England,
Ireland, Scotland, Germany and France. It gradually is
overwhelmed by other more recent sub-clads such as P109.
We don't really have a firm date for the when humans moved north
but the receding glaciers and known hunting of woolly mammoths
gives many clues. The original hut shown here was in
Mezhyrich, Ukraine about 15,000 years ago. It is based on the
discoveries of some 70 such huts from mammoth bones and tusks in
Siberia which had probably also been covered with hides.
"Significant climate and habitat changes across
Europe, Eurasia and the Americas appear to have preceded the
large-scale extinction of megafauna like the woolly mammoth
about 15,000 to 11,000 years ago, according to research that
has gleaned evidence of environmental conditions directly from
old animal bones." [Wallace. Cosmos, 19 Apr 2017]
"Mammoth House" as shown at the "Frozen Woolly Mammoth Yuka
Exhibit" in Yokoyama, Japan in Summer 2013. This replica was
made for the exhibit with real mammoth fossils (bones and
tusks)."[Nadaro 2013 -] The drawing
is of an engraving from the cave of Les Combarelles, France in
the Dordorgne river area about 12,000 BCE.
Drawings done about 1902 by Louis Capitan and Henri
Breuil. Having visited several of the caves in the area
and I can testify as to how easy it was to overlook these
engravings. [Les Combarelles]
The Tarim mummies of northwestern China were looted for
centuries but 1st scientifically investigated in 1910 but dates
back to about 2000 B.C.E to 300 B.C.E. These 4000 year old
people are known today as the Xiaohe people. The
excavations of 330 tombs is unprecedented in age, size and
scope. Because this area is one of the driest areas of the
world the mummies are very well preserved. The earliest
discovered mummies frequently have red hair, Caucasian features,
and tattoos. Later dated mummies are more Mongolian in
origin. They were buried with flutes, weapons, woolens,
the first known trousers, woven plaid clothing and boat shaped
coffins. They were the first group that seems to have
domesticated horses which made their nomadic journeys cover vast
distances and buried their horses with them. DNA
analysis so far seems to confirm a mix of DNA from Europe, the
Eastern Mediterranean, India and China. Theories so far
identify this Tarim river area as a cross-roads of traders that
existed for several hundred, perhaps thousands of years. It is
located presently in the high desert created by the Himalayan
mountains of Tibet with the Tarim river fed now only by the few
melting glaciers. It probably was a major waterhole along the
Silk Road that had been followed by Marco Polo. The residents
here had farmed grains and developed a cultural ceremony for
burials. The inhabitants were finally forced out by the
ever encroaching desert and changing climate. [ed.
Time-Life1993] [Wong 2008]

The Beauty of Xiaohe and the Tian Chen mummy.
The "Beauty of Xiaohe" seems to have died of lung problems at
about the age of 40-45
caused largely by breathing in dust particles.
The problem with the Caucasian
featured Xiaohe people is that it largely deflates the
theory that China developed a culture on its own without
Western European influence. The Chinese theory had
been based on the Uighur people of modern Mongolia whose
kingdom collapsed around 842 a.d. The Uighur were late
comers to that region according to these discoveries.
[ed. Time-Life]
As gory as these photos I still
find them fascinating and I can't say that either of these
individuals resemble any of my relatives except for the
receding hairline but I wouldn't be opposed to them being in
my family line This helps to explain my own 1%
northeast Asian connection as well as the 4%
Finnish/Northern Siberia. My wife wishes I had a more
recent picture of my family.

Sami family in Finland, 1936
[Wikimedia commons]
I also find it
interesting that the Saami/Sami people herded
reindeer across the tundra and lived a nomadic
lifestyle in much the same manner as the Inuit and
American Indians. According to some DNA
researchers there seems to be more of a DNA
relationship between the Inuit and the Basque people
than to the plains Indians or the French. It seems
from recent theories that the Saami would have had
to entered the Scandinavian peninsula after about
2000BCE which would make them late comers compared
with the I1 haplogroup.
Saami herders of 1900 in northern
According to researchers, the I1 group were probably the
hunter-gatherers more akin to the Samis and Finns than other
groups that came in from the south bringing agriculture to
Scandinavia. More recent research has found that it is one of
the largest haplogroups among the Sami. The I1 group is further
broken down into many subclad. My own I1-L22 is listed as
Nordic. By the Viking Group I'm listed in the middle with
IM253. By the Norman Group I'm filtered to be as middle
example of I1-DF29+ CTS6364 CTS10028+ L22+ FGC41265+ Y21091+.
Although I tested early for P109 it was proved negative.
Presently L22 "is a very big Nordic branch. It is also very
common in Britian, especially on the east coast where the
Vikings settled most heavily, in the Low Countries and Normandy
(also doubtlessly the heritage of the Danish Viking), as well as
in Poland and Russia (Swedish Vikings)." [
2022] "The main Scandinavian subclad that shows up with
the Danish Viking settlements in England, Scotland, Ireland,
Normandy coast of France, and the Isle of Man among
others. This particular variation was a several hundred
year later version than the L22. Even still the L22,
according to some researchers, shows up most dominated in the
area of southern Jutland, Denmark. This was the origin of some
of the settlers of northeastern England as well as Normandy,
France where early Danish settlements were established. I
seem to be related to half of Europe including people in the
countries of Russia, the Baltics, Spain, and Turkey. It
has now been confirmed from nine skeletons in eastern
England that "present day English owe about a third of their
ancestry to the Anglo-Saxons" and I would also add the Jutes,
who came in at the same time about 5th century AD. [Schiffels,
"Iron Age... genomes.."19 Jan 2016 / Rincon, BBC
News 19 Jan 2016]
Settlement location of the Angles, Saxons and Jutes in

Family Tree DNA origin of I1d-L22 haplogroup.
[, 2016] |
The Tollund Man shown here was found in
a bog in 1950 just north of the area on the map as
identified as I1d-L22 on the Jutland peninsula.
Michael Worffel-Intile of
the I1d-L22 group on wanted me to
clarify that the Tollund man has not been proved to
be L22. "According to Eske Willerslev, DNA
researcher and professor at the University of
Copenhagen's Center for Geogenetics at the Statens
Naturhistoriske Museum, it has not been possible to
extract usable DNA from the Tollund man".
There are some fifty of these bog preserved bodies in
existence from areas around Europe are now in various
museums. This particular one is in the Silkeborg
Museum in Denmark, 25 miles south of Viborg or 35
miles north of Jelling. Although one of the best
preserves heads he is thought to have been hanged
before being thrown into the bog, perhaps as a form of
human sacrifice. The acids in the bog itself may have
degraded any possible samples.
I find it interesting that this is the same area that
many of my past relatives lived for at least five
hundred years. If looks mean anything he resembles
some of my present day relatives even though he is has
been dead for about 2300 years.

Tollund Man, Denmark, about 375 -
Silkeborg Museum, Denmark.
(about 7.5 mi. west of the discovery site)
According to the map above from 2016 the
I1d-L22 haplogroup is centered on the Jutland peninsula just
south of where most of my grandfather's family lived for at
least 200 years and present cousins still live. So far I
have some confirmation that my line of historical records go
back about 30 generations to at least "
Old Gorm"King of
Denmark"(r900-940), "the obdurant heathen" and
his son
Bluetooth"(r940). Previously I couldn't get back
further than my oldest direct line male ancestor
Jeppe Poulsen of Thisted,
Denmark(b. 1658). With the help of Kent
Christoffersen my more recently discovered connection to
"Skipper Clement" Andersen
(b.1485) Denmark "pirate" seems accurate.
Because Clement's family connects with nobility it has
Danish roots that go back in historical records to about
1022 through the records of the Roskilde Cathedral. These
records are based on the early writings of an unknown monk
of the
Chronicon Roskildense, writings of
Saxo "Grammanticus" and Snorre Sturleson's Icelandic sagas
of ancient Scandinavia. These records have been compared and
argued about in the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy which
I use liberally. These records also are mixed with the
history of Norway through marriage records and immigration
back and forth between Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Of
course, because of the invasions and settlements of
the Danes into the British Isles, there are connections to
Scotland, Ireland, Yorkshire as well as Normandy France..

Snorri Sturluson in Trondheim, Norway
photo Elroy Christenson 2016
My record also is accurate back through
Northern Ireland to
Spann of Cheshire, England in 1560. Some other
lines may also prove to be true but so far there is no
correspondence with anyone from other deep lines.
Thomas Terry of Guisborough, North Reading, Yorkshire,
England (about 1727), on my mother's side, may have some
Viking connection through settlements made by Danish
invasions and trade prior to 800. The Clyde family
originating probably in Scotland might be one of the reasons
that my mother's line also has Scandinavian roots.
Yorkshire, in particular, was one of the first places that
Danes settled as far back as 200 CE, which would be
pre-Viking era.
Quite naturally the oldest records are associated with
nobility or wealthy families. I have now
connected to royalty in my research which has pushed this
research back beyond 900 CE. Often royal genealogies
were invented to give credibility to their claim to the
throne. Many early records can't be trusted and many
modern researchers have appropriated family lines that they
want, not that they can prove. The bulk of my families
were farmers. They lived for several hundred years on
the Jutland peninsula of Denmark and another group on farms
for several hundred years in Hedmark and Oppland,
Norway. They likewise were farmers when they came to
the United States from Norway, Denmark, England, Ireland,
and Scotland. At that time they may have been true
believers in some protestant faith wanting to convert others
to the faith or just trying to find a piece of land that
they could plow into a livelihood for their families without
having to pay a lord for the privilege.