and South Carolina
(?John) McDowell
b. ? Ireland
d. perhaps in Ireland
m. Mary (?perhaps Stubbs )
b. ? perhaps in Ireland
d. July 1795 "Aetalis 60 years" SC
buried: Pisgah Methodist Church Cemetery, Fountain Inn, S. C.
her probable 2m. ? Sherridan
his father: unknown
his mother: unknown
known Children |
John McDowell*
b. 1758
d. Dec. 23, 1820 SC
buried Bethel United Methodist Cemetery, Charleston, SC
(age 62)
1m. Barbara
(b. 1758 d. 18 Jun 1806)
2m. Mary alive in 1821 SC
Nancy "Ann"* McDowell |
b. 1764 Ireland |
d. 3 Jan. 1852 |
m. Thomas Terry |
Susan McDowell* |
b. |
d. |
m. John Harrison |
William McDowell*
*identified in
the will 1821
We finally have, what I consider proof positive, that John
McDowell who leaves a will in 1821 is the brother of Nancy "Ann"
McDowell. See his will of 1821. He also states that he has
been in the country since 1784. By naming pattern we think that
his father may have been John or William. We're sure that Thomas
Terry came to South Carolina from England to set up a church in
the wilderness. He had left his wife and family there
to brought over later by his brother-in-law John
Harrison. On the trip from the coast of South Carolina
the family was overcome by yellow fever of which John's sister,
Thomas Terry's wife, dies. Thomas remarries Ann
McDowell as identified in the the will of John McDowell in
1821. There had been a family tradition that John McDowell
was Ann's father, the document gives more proof to another
story that said that two McDowell brothers came at one
time. Other family members are also identified in the
will as being John McDowell's sister and brother. Mary
Norfleet, the generous researcher of this family believes as I do
that the tombstone of Mary Sherridan is the remarries mother of
John McDowell who probably came over with the other members of the
family. The progenitor, John McDowell may have died before
they left or on the voyage from Ireland. The grandson of
Thomas says that he knew his grandmother "Ann" to have come from
1790 - US Census, South Carolina, St. James Santee., page 553
McDowell head
slaves 20
1791 - In the year 1791 Thomas Terry married again to Miss
Rebecca McDowell who was the daughter of a wealthy merchant of
Charleston. John Harrison, his brother-in-law, married Miss Susan
McDowell also of Charleston." [The History of the Pisgah
Methodist Church, 200th Homecoming, Fountain Inn, S.C. May
R. Y. H. Terry, the grandson of Thomas Terry, claims in letters
written to his daughter that "Anna" as he knew her was from
Dublin, Ireland. She was the second wife of Thomas. She meet him
while he was on business in Charleston after his first wife died.
According to R. Y. H. she was to have immigrated with her two
brothers. She had in Charleston a wealthy merchant uncle named
McDowell. [Norfleet records]
"John McDowell of Charleston was a friend of the Harrisons
and the Terrys and later two of the McDowell daughters married:
Susan McDowell m. John Harrison (Bro. in law of Thomas Terry)
Rebecca McDowell m. Thomas Terry as his second wife. [Note
94, pg 14, Leanardo Andrea Notes]
Died on the 3rd Jan., Mrs. Ann Terry, in the 88th year of her
age. She was born in Ireland, 1764, but emigrated to America in
1788 ... maiden name McDowell. Married soon after her settlement
in Charleston, from which place she removed with her familly to
Greenville District. . . left children and grand children.
[Holcomb, Brent. Marriage and Death Notices from the Southern
Christian Advocate, Volume I: 1837-1860, ]
1805, Feb 18 - John McDowell files for a plat for 1000 acres on
Wolf Swamp Creek, Spartanburgh District, surveyed by James Smith
Jr. Location is on the Middle Tyger River. Other names
mentioned are Clayton; Hogan; Loftiss; Powell. This property is later willed to his
son William McDowell in 1825.
Carolina Archives, Series S213192, vol. 40, page 377]
1813, January - John McDowell of Charleston sells to John
McDowell Terry, his nephew, five hundred acres for one dollar.
State of So. Carolina
| I know all men by these that ^presents I John McDowell of the City of
Charleston and states a foresaid for and in Consideration of the
sum of One Dollar to ______ hand paid by John McDowell Terry son to Tho. Terry
of said District my nephew
of this state and district a foresaid have granted bargained sold
release unto the said John
McDowell Terry, and to his
sister Mary Terry all that Tract and board of Land
Containing five hundred acres more or lessas the within Deed is
foresaid and the said John McD Terry and his sister Mary , Share
and share alike during theri natural lives only and to theri
Lawful heirs of their body forever but should either of them die
without lawful heirs then in that case their shares falls tot he
surviver and I do hereby bind myself my heirs Even------
administrators to Manual and forever defend and Sengular the
premises with the said John MCD. Terry and his sister many
their heirs forever against myself, and my heirs Claiming or to
claim the same or any part thereof
Witness my hand and Seal this Twenty fifth day of Oct one
thousand Eight hundred and thirteen and in the thirty Eight AYear
of the Indpendence of the United States of
John McDowell (seal)
Witness - John
White Dunbar Greenville District
I Hudson Berry acco. of the squirum to
do hereby unto all to whom it may on this
I have since come to the conclusion that her name was Nancy "Ann"
McDowell based on the indenture of 1816 and the deed of 1833
abstracted under Thomas Terry. I still need proof and the
connection to the proper McDowell family.
1814, Sep 29 - John McDowell sells to Miss Ann C. Gibson a slave named Prince and his wife, Bino. Purchased at Mrs. Thomas Terry's in
Greenville District. bill of sale. [South Carolina
Archives, s213003, vol. 0041, page, 240]
1821 - John McDowell files his will in Charleston, S. C. In
this will John McDowell identifies his immigration year, other
family members as well as his address in Charleston. He
seems to be very prosperous. He had a son, John, and
daughter, Mary. The following document was copied as it was
typed by the WPA project.
Will of John McDowell
In the name of God Amen, I John
McDowell of the City of Charleston State of South
Carolina, a Citizen of the United States Since 1784 and formerly a
Merchant of this place do make this my last Will and Testament and
frust I order that all my Just debts are paid if any, for at this
time I owe no man any thing but Love, and 2nd, I give and bequeath
to John McDowell Border Son of Stephen Borders Esquire of Jackson
County State of Georgia One Thousand Dollars; I give , Two hundred
Dollars to John McDowell White
Son of David White formerly of Spartanburg District now
of Tennessee, 3rd. I give one thousand Dollars to my Cosin Dr. James C. Stubbs
of Chillicoth State of Ohio-- I give all my waring apparel to my
Uncle Wm. Stubbs, and my Watch, I give all my household Furniture,
plate, Carage & Hoarse to my dear Wife Mary with the privlage of living Five years
rent and Taxes free in house behind house No. 194 King Street and
an annuity payable quarterly out of my estate, of Five hundred
Dollars with the use of the Fellow Tom and the wash woman menly
During her life only, at her Death, the Slaves are to be set free
from their Mifstrefs This Settlement on my good wife I hope shee
Will consider a full compinsition for any right of dower on my
Estate; as I fully do; I request that Dr. Adams Clerks Bible may
be given to my Grand Son, John
and so remain in my family - 4th. i settle the interest only of
Fifteen Thousand Dollars of my Six Pr Stock of the United States,
on my Grand Daughter Mary
at this time with me, and to the lawful heirs of her Body, after
hir to Be be divided Share and Share alick principla and interest
between hir Childre, but in case of hir Death without my Children,
then this gift to transfered to
heir sister Sarah and Sophia & and any other sisters
they mayhave by the same Father, and to their Children in liek
manner and my Grand Son John, I lave the three forths of the
residue of my Estate on the same principal as what Mary's is
fixed, viz. the Income only and if their should be any more
Brothers by the same Father & Mother they are to have an equal
Share with John. I reserver by Mount Carmel pofsefsion to
remain in the male heirs of my family by my Son William, if the
should become extinct, then to my
Brother ?Williams Sons &c &c. I give One Thousand
Dollars to each of Viz. John
McDowell Terry and John McDowell Harrison, my Nephew's,
of Greenville District. After all the Legacies are paid, the
remainder one forth of my Estate I give Share and Share alike to
the Children of my two Sisters viz: Ann Terry and Susan Harrison
I believe Thirteen in Number in Greenville district So. Carolina
my House and lot in Petersburge State of Georgia I give and
bequeath to my Daughter in law
Sarah McDowell during hir life only--After which to her two Daughters Sarah and Sophia
equally divided, my peer and faithful Slaves I order my Executors
to Enmincimat and have set free or if this should be attended with
any unconvenience I will to the
fellow named Cavan Six hundred Dollars to James. Tom, to Cavens Wife
Byne Six hundred Dollars to Old
Byna Three hundred Dollars, to old Phillis three hundred Dollars to be paid
amoung the furst payments, or their freedom, any three of my
Executors agreeing may make sale of any of my Houses and Lots, and
make a Deed for the same. Thou I expect my income Will pay
All in the space of two or three years, axcept the one forths of
my Estate which my Sisters
Children are to have Mrs. Sollay Borders Wife of Stephen
Border Esqure of Georgia I appoint as the guardian of my grand Son John and Mary to
Bord & School for which I order three hundred Dollars for each
yearly, I would leave themunder the care of my Wife but this
might be troublesome & the are not to be brought up under the
care of their Father or Mother Mother, if the should inviagle them
to their House their income shall be cut of during the time a d
Divided among my other Legaties a & I have wrote this my Will
in a hurry and without any Leaguel advice, it is pofuible their
may be ground for disputing but if that should be the case I order
my Executors to Appoint Five Citezens of good report who have
allways paid their just Debts, and brought up a family of thier
own full members of some Branch of the Prodeston Church, and
refer any dispute or misunderstanding to them, and the Award of
three out of the Five, Shall be my Will in all matters and
things whatever, their shall be no Actions in Law or in
Equity respectiong my bit of property. And lastly I appoint
Stephen Borders Esq of Jackson County (Georgia) and my Cousin Dr. James c. Stubbs
of Chillicoth Ohio James Adger & George Pringle Merchants of
Charleston and my Dear Wife Mary Executors & Executrix to this
my last Will Dated this Eight day of April 1819.
his hand
__________ Witnefs ----------------------------- and affixed
his seale (L. S.)
Joel Stevens
My Grand Children I wish to be given the best of Education the
Surplus if any After paying all the gifts, and my Wife; Dower of
$500 per An; their will be a sum to put At Interest Yearly, and
which I do hope my Good Executors wil have don; I have taken
the Liberty of Appointing them with out asking anyone of their
consent, I beg them forgivenefs and I hope they will all Qualify,
I am not able to pay them for this labour of love but when they
come to lave the World Some men will have to Act for the, as
they don for me, then they are paid
John McDowell
State of South Carolina
District of
Whereas I John McDowell of
state and District aforesaid have by and in my last will and
Testament made certain, appropiations for the use and Benefet of a
male Child of my Son William McDowell and Sarah his wife And also
therein appointed George Pringle one of my Executers, Reference
being had thereto will more fully appear, Now be it known to all
whom these presents doth conser, that I John McDowell of State and
District aforesaid by this Codicil do Will and bequeath the Sum
and Benefits therein appropriated to the said Male Child to be
equally applyed and divided Share and Share alike, among all the
male Children of my said Son M.
McDowell now alive, or that may hereafter be lawfully
Born, provide the Conditions therein required be fulfilled And I
also will and desire that the female Children of my said Son William McDowell
shall receive from my fund not otherwise specially appropiated
such and
Afsestance towards their Education as my action as my acting
Executors may deem expedient and proper --- I will and
bequeath unto my Son William
Wm. McDowell his heirs Executors and Afsigns
forever, all the tract or parcel of land situate in Spartenburg
District State aforesaid, on Tiger River, commonly called
Maple Swamp, adjoining the land of Thomas Foster the same being
ther hundred acres by survey and now occupied
haveing complyed with terms of Sale, and not having any Titles for
the same. I also will and desire, that the Legacies and
compensations set forth in my last Will and Testament for the
Benenfit of my Negro Slaves be null and void, and that only my Negro Wench Phillis shall
have her freedom and a gift of Twenty Dollars and also that my faithful Servant Boy Cavan
Shall have the sum of Three hundred and fifty Dollars for his own
proper use & Benefit: or to be applyed toward his emancipation
should he so with it, --- I also hereby Will and appoint my
true & loving friend
Alexander Black one of my Acting Executors in Leiu of
George Pringle whose Appoinment in Said last will and Testament is
hereby declared null and Void --- In all other respects the said
last will and Testament to stand good, and is my me this Day
confirmed, In Witnefs whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal
this Twenty seventh Day of November in the year of our Lord one
thousand, Eight hundred & Twenty and of the Independence of
the United States the forth
Jno McDowell (L.S.)
Signed Sealed in Presence of Wifnefs
Henry F.
Solomon Solomon.
Proved Before james D. Mitchell Esq. o. C. T. D. January
3rd, 1821 At the same time qualified Alexander Black
Executor. January 19. 1821 qualified Mary
McDowell Executrix.
15 C: Sh:
J. D. M.
Recorded in Will Book - F 1818-1826
Recorded on Page 261
1820, Dec. 23 - John McDowell (Jr.) is buried in Bethel United
Methodist Cemetery in Charleston, South Carolina. The
tombstone reads. "Sacred To the Memory of John McDowall, Whom be
pleased Almighty God to ready in this vale of Tears to a better
world on the 23th day of Dec. 1820 in the 62nd year of his
Age. He was native of Ireland but the last ten years a much
beloved and highly respected citizen of this place. ..."
Next plot to him.
"In Loving Memory of Barbara McDowell wife of John McDowell of this
city Merchant after a long fever trail and a boddy affliction which
she bore with patience and ----martyred by Divine Grace ... this
life on the 18th day of Jun 1806 in the 48th year of her age.
Reft here in peace, the task of life is ...sicknefs strife no more..
Succeeds in tranfient Woes
We believe this is the first wife
of John McDowell Jr. He seems to have remarried after her death to
Mary (unknown).
1825, March 25 - John McDowell (Jr.) submits his Return for Taxes
of $6.8 on $1623.20 for land and $30.75 for 41 slaves at .75 cents
each for a total of $36.83 in St. Thomas and St. Dennis
Parish. [South Caroline Archives, Individual Tax Returns
The History of the Pisgah Methodist Church, 200th Homecoming,
Fountain Inn, S.C. May 1991
Leanardo Andrea Genealogical Collection,
Norfleet, Mary Vance. thanks for her vast collection of records
and history as recorded by her grandmother, Anne Elcybeth "Elsie"
Terry Vance. 63090 Opossum Lane, Montrose CO 81401-9603. 3/5/03 -
South Carolina Land Records
South Carolina Wills
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