South Carolina and Mississippi
Joseph Porter
b. 1781 (possibly Union Co., ) SC
d. 1840 Franklin Co. MS
1m. unknown but very likely based on the age
of Nancy Tillet
m. Nancy (?Tillet) about 1820
b. 1801 MS
d. 1840 MS
her father: unknown her mother: unknown
his father: Landlot (Lancelot) Porter
his mother: Winifred
Child with unknown
Tillet Porter
b. 27 Nov 1802 Franklin, MS |
d. 30 Jan 1849 LA |
m. Ann Allison 7 Dec 1822
Franklin Co., Miss.#
2m. Sarah H. Lazarus 25 Aug 1835 Franklin Co., Miss. #(b15 Nov 1815)
of Nicholas Lazarus. |
Children with ?Nancy
Sarah Porter
b. abt 1804
m. Robert Hollaway Jr. , (son
of Robert Hollaway) 13 Dec 1835 Frank. Co., Miss.# |
Letha or Letibia Porter
b. abt 1806
m. James Beck 5 Mar 1822
Frank. Co., Miss.#
possible 2m. George Gill Strait 1 Jan 1835 Frank. Co., Miss.
Jane Porter
b. 1807 |
d. 1840 Franklin, MS |
m. George Hollaway 23 May
1833 Frank. Co., Miss.# |
King David Porter
b. abt 1810
m. Nancy Smith Scott 25 Feb. 1836 Franklin Co., Miss.#
Ferdinand Porter
b. abt 1812
. |
Shadrach Mechack Abednigo Porter
b. abt 1814
d. |
m. Ellen Byrd, 1 May 1834 Franklin Co., MS.# |
#marriage record
of Franklin Co., Miss.
There are a few problems with the records that others are promoting for
this family. If the birth dates and marriage dates are correct
Nancy (possibly Tillet) could not be the mother of all the listed
children. The first child of Joseph was probably illegitimate
based on the court fight of 1840. Whether he was the daughter of
a later married Nancy or by of another woman is not known at this
From the email records:
"The records show
that Nancy Smith Scott Married King David Porter in 1820 at Franklin
County, Miss. This leads us to believe that King David Porter was the
husband of Nancy Porter who left a Will in 1840, Franklin County,
Mississippi. Drawer 73, case 412 and list the following names as heirs
in the will. Ferdinand Porter; Abednago Porter; Sarah Porter; Jane
Porter; Letha Beck-Daughter of Nancy Porter; David Porter; Tillett
Box 1, Pkg.37, Will Bk.A, Pg.6 Probate Judges
Office, Union, SC
In the name of God Amen. I Edward Sanders Porter, of the State of South
Carolina and county of Union Being thro the mercy and goodness of God
tho weak in Body yet of sound and perfect understanding and memory do
constitute this my last will and Testament Revokeing and disannuling
all other wills here to fore made. and first too will and order that
all my Lawfull Debts be paid and further I will and bequeath to my
Loving wife during the Term of her widowhood this house where in I now
dwell with all the furniture and Tenaments that lie about it wit all
the Cattle, hogs sheep one Bay Horse named John and at her marrying or
Death to be Equally divided among all my Children. and I will to my son
Calvin Porter One bay Mare named doe Likewise to my son Epaphroditus a
"Statling" Colt, Named Selah all which I will and order after my Death,
And do constitute my two Eldest sons Lancelot Porter & Hancock
Porter Executors of my Last will & Testament and Trustees for my
wife and children. In witness whereof I here unto set my hand and Seal
this first day of December 1791.
Edward Sanders X Porter (Seal) his mark
William Campbell
Jesse X Holcom his mark
Nicholas X Lazarus his mark
"It has taken some time but I am
pretty sure I have found the
Hollaway/Steedley connection. I was able to talk to an Aunt who told me
I had an incorrect surname. Once I had the correct one, it all fit
together. I also got a reply from a message board that gave me the
Porter name.
The Jane O'Leary is actually
Jane Porter, daughter of Joseph &
Nancy Tillet Porter. Jane was married to George Hollaway. After he died
she married J P Steedley. When they both died from cholera, James
Preston Steedley was left in the care of the Hollaway's who were also
caring for his half brothers, Burlin, George W, James M, & Porter M
L. Sarah Porter Hollaway & Jane Porter Hollaway were
sisters. James Preston Steedley married Alice Josephine Hollaway,
the daughter of William Lee & Sarah Herring Hollaway. Wouldnt that
make them 1/2 first cousins?
1781 in SC, died 1840, Franklin Co. MS. Married to
Nancy Tillet, born in MS. I have to search all of my notes but I am
sure their brother King David Porter married a Herring further linking
the families together."
Orlando 11/22/05
1810 - US Census, Beaufort, St Helena Co.,
South Carolina. page 5. There is a Joseph Porter is
listed on the page but it looks as though no one is in the residence
except for 4 slaves. There are no marks for any other
1820 - US Census, Franklin Co., Miss.
The record is
very illegible but the index indicates that Joseph Porter is in
Franklin Co., MS on Roll: 57 Page: 53.
nearby in Franklin Co., Roll: 57
Page: 47
0 || 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 1 || 0 || 8 || 0 || 0
|| 2 3 1 0 4 2 0 0
Roll: 57 Page: 46
|| 1 3 0 2 2 0 1 0 || 0 || 8 || 0 || 0
|| 0 0 1 0 3 1 0 0
1840, July 14- James Hollaway and Caroline (Beck) Hollaway are involved
in a lawsuit supporting the efforts of, Tillet Porter vs Sutton Byrd,
administrator of the Est. of Nancy Porter, Dec'd.
Tillet Porter, although born illegitimately, is fighting for the right
to be considered an heir to the estate of Nancy Porter, even though he
was the acknowledged legitimate son of Joseph (deceased) and Nancy
Porter (deceased). He wants his portion ($8,501.84) of the estate. Also
included in this suit, the other heirs: Ferdinand Porter, Abednago
Porter (now dec'd), Elan - wife of Abednago- now married to John Miley,
Samuel and Harriet Porter, children of Abednago and Elan Porter, Sarah
Hollaway, nee Porter, wife of Robert Hollaway, Jane Holloway, nee
Porter, wife of George Hollaway, Caroline Hollaway, nee Beck wife of
James Hollaway, daughter of Letha Beck, a daughter of Nancy Porter
(Dec'd), David Porter and Tillet Porter.
(Franklin Co., Drawer 73, Case #412, Miss. High Court of Errors and
Appeals , Dept. of Archives and Hist., Jackson, Miss.)
March 18, 2006-
Sara Porter is
Sarah H. Lazarus, b. November 15, 1815 daughter of
Nicholas Lazarus b. 1794 Union County, SC and Muery Rebecca Hutchins.
Sarah H. Lazarus married Tillet Porter (b. 1802) on August 25, 1835
Franklin County, MS. She was Tillet's second wife. His first wife was
Ann Allison, whom he married Dec. 7, 1822 Franklin Co, MS.
After Tillet's death, Sarah Lazarus Porter
married her younger first
cousin, Edward Porter Lazarus Jr. on March 21, 1858 Franklin County,
MS, making her Sarah Lazarus Porter Lazarus. Edward Porter Lazarus Jr.
was the son of Edward Porter Lazarus Sr. and Malinda Peas.
Edward Porter Lazarus Sr. (father of EP Lazarus
Jr.) and Nicholas
Lazarus (father of Sarah) were brothers - both sons of Nicholas Lazarus
b. ? (abt 1760) location unknown and found in Union County, SC Census
of 1790 and 1800. We believe this elder Nicholas' wife was a Porter,
possibly Mary Porter, and possibly the daughter of Edward Sanders
Porter. The elder Nicholas Lazarus was a witness to Edward Sanders
Porter's will in Union County dated 1791.
The Lazarus family and the Porter family are
intertwined for several
generations. I have not studied the Porters and cannot tell you who is
who or how they are related, but they marry each other a few times and
they name their children for each other. I have seen conflicting
information on the web regarding Tillet Porter's parents (the Tillet
who married Sarah Lazarus, making her Sarah Porter). One site says
Tillet's father is King David Porter (I believe a descendant of Edward
Sanders Porter), while another researcher laid out a good argument that
his father is Joseph Porter, son of Landlot (Lancelot) Porter and
grandson of Edward Sanders Porter.
Also, we have Edward Porter Lazarus Jr.'s death
date as September 13,
1900 in MS with burial at Baptist Church Cemetery, New Salem. Sarah
Lazarus Porter Lazarus died April 11, 1895 and is buried at Old Wright
Cemetery, Franklin County, Mississippi. We do not have a death date for
Edward Porter Lazarus Sr. (b. 1802), but my guess is the 1858 date you
have for Jr. may be Sr.'s death date. It does seem a bit odd that both
father and son would die on September 13th, so perhaps there is a
mistake in one of these.
I hope that is helpful to you. My line is
Nicholas Lazarus b. ? of
Union County SC (and his Porter wife), Nicholas Lazarus b. 1794,
Barnabus Pipkin Lazarus, and Mary Elizabeth Lazarus.
Jane Sharrock -
Oklahoma City
Orlando, Carolyn Kay. records of,
11/22/05 . email -
Sharrock, Jane - records and emails March, 2006
South Carolina Will book for Union County

All information and photos
included within these pages was developed by the help of hundreds of
researchers. The information here is for the express purpose of
personal genealogical research and is freely offered as long as this
site is listed as a source. It may not be included or used for any
commercial purpose or included in any commercial site without the
express permission of Elroy Christenson. Copyright Elroy Christenson
web pages created by Elroy Christenson- - last updated 8/10/10