Roney Family
Maurice (possibly Morris) Roney
b. circa 1758
d. January 1825 (undocumented)
m. Mary
(last name unknown)
father - unknown
mother- ?
Children (may have had eight or nine
children by the passport of 1802)
Morris Roney* |
b. April 22, 1785 S.C. |
d. January 22, 1855 buried in Tolbert Church Cemetary in
Abbeville, AL.# |
m. Jane (no last name known)
February 28, 1815 (b.June 4, 1794 S.C died Sep 16, 1855)
bur: Tolbert Church, Abbeville, AL #
Hugh Roney* |
b. circa 1791 |
d. after 1870 |
1m. unknown
2m. Nancy
* 1830 (possible daughter of Mary Shelley, the second wife of Hugh
Roney's uncle Hugh Roney) |
There are other
probable children
as yet not identified
b. (see 1790 census) |
d. |
m. |
*children from the records of Mr. Thomas Larry
#records of Mac Davis
The original research on this family has
been provided through Barbara Jackson, Mac Davis and Thomas Larry
1776- Maurice Roney was a Revolutionary War
soldier in North or South Carolina. [Roll 128 and on frame 8699
at the National Archives]
"Roney, Maurice
He served as a sergeant in the Second dragoons under Capt. Francis
Moore, Col. Myddleton, and Gen. Sumter during 1781. He served
also as a footman and was wounded in the battle at Eutaw Springs.
In addition, he was in the battle at Guilford Courthouse."
Salley, Doc., p. 81; A. A. 6589; M350. [Moss, Bobby Gilmer. ]
They lived at one time in Barnwell County,
S.C. (They may also have lived in other counties based on other records
of a Morris Maurice Roney.)
1778- Maurice Roney is listed in the taxable
property in Rowan County, North Carolina in the district of Capt.
Armstrong for 127 pounds. [Lists of Taxable in the county of
Rowan, North Carolina, anno 1778.,
1780- Maurice Roney is listed in the
reconstructed census for Rowan County, North Carolina in the district
of Capt. Armstrong. [Lists of Taxable Property -1778, North
Carolina Archives, page 11, family 7]
1787- June 26 - (typed as written)
Henry Shaver and
Elizabeth his wife of Camden District and Lancaster County, S. C.,
convey to Maurice Ronie of the same county and district, for
400 pounds former currency of the said state, equal to 57 pounds, 2
shillings, and 10 pence 1 farthing sterling, a tract containing 300
acres on Rum Creek on the N. E. side of the Catawba River, said to be
about 33 miles from the Nation but now found to be not so much, bounded
at that time (when?) on all sides by vacant lands, originally granted
by Gov Wm Henry Littleton Esqur of Saouth Carolina to Andrew Shaver,
spelled shiffer in the original grant, deceased, father to henry
(Shaver) herein mentioned.
Sam'l Lowrie
..........................................Henry Shaver
Carnahan........................................Elizabeteh (x ) Shaver
Release of dower by Elizabeth (x) Shaver
1790 - US Census. Maurice Roney is
listed with his wife, 4 sons and 2 daughters. We don't know what the
names of the children were except for the two above listed.
Carolina, Duplin Co., Series: M637 Roll: 7 Page: 42
Roney, Hugh
1 4 4 0 0 0 (0 slaves) one adult male,
four males under 16 and four females, no slaves
Carolina, Camden Dist., Lancaster Co., Series: M637
Roll: 11
Page: 233
Roney, Morris
1 4 3 0 0
0 one adult
male, four males under 16 and three
females, no slaves
US Census,
South Carolina, Abbeville Series: M637 Roll: 11 Page: 469
Roney, Jno.
0 0 0 one adult male, four males
under 16 and two females, no slaves
1793 - Jan 21 - Hugh Roney marries Elizabeth Newton bond
#000042333, Dupin Co., North Carolina. Bondsman Thomas Routledge,
witness - Wm. Dickson. [North Carolina, Marriage Bonds,
1741-1868, record #01 074] This marriage cannot be for my Hugh
Roney since he would only be three years old if our dates are
1800- US Census, South Carolina, Laurens, Series: M637
Roll: 11
Page: 233
Roney, John
2 1 0
1 females 1
2 0 1 0 1
1802- Maurice Ronie is issued a passport
through the Creek Nation by the governor of Georgia for his family.
GA Passports
Executive Dept.
Tuesday 24th November 1802
That passports through the Creek Nation to MS Territory be prepared for
the following persons-to wit- Maurice
Ronie and his family ten in number, Robt. Hill and 6 negroes,
Samuel Harvill and one negroe, and Morgan Clower and that a passport
for Jacob Lindsey and Jesse Casey to pass to and return from the
Cherokee and Creek Nations.
1810, US Census, South Carolina,
Laurens Co., Series: M252
Roll: 61
Page: 76
Roney, Edward
1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 no
Laurens Co., Series: M252 Roll: 61 Page: 36
Roney, James
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 no
Laurens Co., Series: M252
Roll: 61
Page: 78
Roney, James
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
no slaves (this may have been a
duplicated census)
Co., Series: M252 Roll: 60 Page: 101
Roney, Hugh
2 0 0 4 1 1 0
0 no slaves
1820, US Census, Georgia-
Thomas Roney
0 1 females 0 0 1 no slaves
one male under 10 and one male 16 -
26 one female 16- 26
No Ronie or Roney in Alabama in this census.
US Census, South
Carolina, Barnwell Co., Series: M33 Roll: 119 Page: 12
Hugh Roney
0 0 1 0 females 0 2
2 1 0 0 3 0 no slaves
3 males under 10, one male
26-45 , 2 females 10-16, 2 from 16-26, 1 from 26 - 45, 0 are
foreigner, 3 engaged in agriculture. no slaves.
Carolin, Abbeville Co.,
Edward Roney
0 0 1 0 females 2 0
0 1 0 0 1 0 no slaves
1825 about - The family splits up about 1825 with Maurice Roney leaving
for Henry Co. Alabama. Hugh goes first to Thomas County, Georgia, and
another possible brother also in Camp County, Georgia. I have not
been able to confirm that Maurice died in Alabama but if his birth date
is accurate it would make sense for him to have died shortly have
moving to Alabama. He doesn't show up in the 1830 census in
Alabama or Georgia census.
1830 US Census.Georgia. - There is another
possible brother, Benjamin. He is here in this census in Camp Co.,
Roney, Benjamin
[Camp 210 no]
Roney, Hugh
[Thom o16 no]
1835- Hugh Roney traveled with Morris as far as
Georgia where Hugh and his family stayed for the next 10 years. About
1835 they moved to Abbeville where Morris had settled. It is possibly
that these two are buried in Tolbert or Chester Chapel Cemetery in
Henry Co., Alabama. The following land records prove that they
migrated to Henry Co., Alabama very early.
1837, August 15 - "Hugh Roney
of Henry County Alabama" files for a land patent in Sparta,
Alabama. This is probably the son of Maurice.
"the North West
quarter of the South West quarter of Section twenty seven in Township
six, of range twenty eight in the District of lands subjuect ot sale at
Sparta Alabama containing forty acres" under president Martin Van
[BLM records, certificate #2829, Accession/Serial
# AL2150_.313]
1845, June 1 - "Maurice Ronie of Dale County
Alabama" files for a land patent in Sparta, Alabama. Dale County
was cut from Henry County. This is probably the son of Maurice.
"the South East
quarter of the North East quarter of Section twenty eight in Township
six, North of range twenty eight in the District of lands subject ot
sale at Sparta Alabama containing thirty nine acres and ninety four
hundreths of an acre" under president James K. Polk.
[BLM records, certificate #7323, Accession/Serial #AL2240_.310]
1848, July 1 - "Maurice Ronie of Dale County
Alabama" files for a land patent in Sparta, Alabama. Dale County
was cut from Henry County. This is probably the son of Maurice.
"the South West
quarter of the South West quarter of Section twenty seven in Township
six, North of range twenty eight, East, in the District of lands
subject ot sale at Sparta Alabama containing thirty nine acres and
thirty seven hundreths acre" under president James K. Polk.
[BLM records, certificate #7484, Accession/Serial #AL2240_.471]
1850- US Census, Henry Co p. 443 so (this has
to be the son of Maurice.)
Roney, Morris
63m farmer SC
1852, January 1 - "Hugh Roney of Henry County Alabama"
files for a land patent in Sparta, Alabama. This is probably the
son of Maurice.
"the North West
quarter of the North West quarter of Section thirty four in Township
six, North, of range twenty eight East in the District of lands subject
ot sale at Sparta Alabama containing forty acres" under president
Martin Van Buren.
[BLM records, certificate #11185,
Accession/Serial # AL2320_.093]
1852, January 1 - "Hugh Roney of Henry County Alabama"
files for a land patent in Sparta, Alabama. This is probably the
son of Maurice.
"the North West
quarter of the South East quarter of Section thirty four in Township
six, North, of range twenty eight East in the District of lands subject
ot sale at Sparta Alabama containing nine
acres and ninety seven hundreths of an acre"
under president Martin Van Buren.
[BLM records, certificate #11360,
Accession/Serial # AL2320_.187]
1858, September 1 - "Morris L. Roney of Henry County
Alabama" files for a land patent in Sparta, Alabama. This is
probably the son of Morris, son of Maurice.
"the East half of
the North West quarter of Section seven in Township five, North of
range twenty eight - East in the District of lands subject ot sale at
Elba Alabama containing seventy nine acres and eighty seven hundreths
of an acre" under president James Buchanan.
[BLM records, certificate #20000, Accession/Serial # AL2420_.350]
There are many other land records for Ronie and Roney family members in
the same rough area of Alabama up through 1910 for a John, Clarissa,
Morris L, Hugh J. , James A., James B., Thomas, Thomas B., Thomas W.,
George W., Issac J., James S., Mary, Thomas P., and William H.
[BLM land records web site]
BLM records. Bureau of Land Management web
Davis, Mac - correspondence 1998 and Genforum August 9, 1999
Barbara Jackson email -
Moss, Bobby Gilmer. Roster of So.
Carolina Patriots in the Am. Rev. , Gen. Pub. Co. Inc., 1983.
Smith, Thomas Larry in Headland, Alabama as of Jan. 30, 1995: Smith
Properties, Inc. Route 2 box 87-A, Headland, AL. 36345. Phone no. -
U. S. Census records
Elroy's Family
Index || Ancestor Chart #11

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is for the express purpose of personal genealogical research and is
freely offered as long as this site is listed as a source. It may not
be included or used for any commercial purpose or included in any
commercial site without the express permission of Elroy Christenson.
Copyright Elroy Christenson 1998-2010.
web pages created by Elroy
Christenson- - last updated 8/10/10