is little
documentation that shows a lineage from the earliest Rawliegh Travers
to the Rawleigh Travers that married Hannah Ball. What I've
included here are three different Rawleighs. Other documents
listed show the rather continuous habitation in Virginia. The
dates for these families vary dependent on the researcher.
William Travers is a proported cousin of Rawleigh (1622).
Rawleigh Travers SR
b. ?1622 probably in England
d. 6 Apr 1670 Richmond, Virginia
m. Elizabeth
before 1670 probably about 1655 Richmond, VA
her 1m. Thomas Stephens
17 November 1654
her 2m. Rawleigh Travers 1670
her 3rd m. Robert Beckingham before
14 Dec 1670 in Lancaster Co., Virginia.
her 4th m. Thomas
Wilkes circa 1677 in Lancaster Co., Virginia.
her 5th m. George
Spencer 12 Nov 1693
her 6th m. William
Mann 4 Feb 1696 in Richmond Co., Virginia
b. 1622 VA
d. 1697VA
her father:
her mother:
his father:
his mother:
Children of Elizabeth according to
the Daniels family
John Travers*
b. abt 1656
Rawleigh Travers*
b. abt 1658
d. 1701
m. Hannah Ball
Farnham Parish, Richmond,
[will of Eliz. T. in 1693]
her 2m. Simon Pearson
Million Travers*
b. abt 1660
d. 1728 Lancaster Co., VA
m. William Downman 1679
N. Farnham Parish, Richmond,
VA [will of Eliz. T.
in 1693] |
Giles Travers*
b. abt 1662
d. 11 Sep 1717
m. Ann Waugh 1679 N. Farnham Parish, Richmond,
Elizabeth Travers*
b. abt 1664
d. 1693/94
1m. John Carter
Jr. N. Farnham Parish,
2m. Christopher Wormeley [will of Eliz. T. in 1693]
*children based
on the will of Eliz. T. in 1693
1653 - Rawleigh
counties of Virginia. He seems to
have been sponsored by John Cable.
Cable, John. Certificate
for land for transportation of Rawleigh Travers. 6
October 1653. p. 79
To pay levy on 1 tytheabled
to Mr Ja Bagnell. 6 Feb 1654/5. p.174
[Fleet. p. 179]
1653 - Mary Marloe apparently has her passage by Rawleigh
Travers. [Early Virginia Immigrants. 1623-1666. ]
Heath apparently has paid the passage
by Rawleigh Travers. [Early Virginia Immigrants.
1623-1666. ]
"Mr Rawleigh
Travers," first appears in Virginia, 1653, when he received 300 a.
south side Rappahannock; then as witness to a deed in Lancaster Co.,
Ordered to pay debt of 550 lb tobo due
Capt Hen Fleete. 25 Oct 1655. p. 212
To pay Raleigh Travers, atty of Hen Caus--, 681 lb Tobo and 1 bu
corn. 25 Oct 1655. p. 212. [Fleet p. 221]
1656, 23rd Sept. -
p. 42. Inventory of estate of Jo
Philips, decd., appraised by Mr. Rawleigh Travers & Mr. Thos.
Griffith {sic} the 30th of Jan. 1655/6 Total val. 4535 lb. tobo.
Signed Rawleigh Travers, Tho Griffin his marke [sic].
Exhib. 6 mar 1655/6 Rec. 23rd Sept. 1656.
[Fleet p. 106]
1662 -
p. 240. Thos Willyums
sells cattle to Chynn and Davys. Dated 3 July 1662.
Signed Tho Willyums. Wit: Rawleigh Travers, Edward
Dale. Rec. 1st Aug 1662. [Fleet p. 139]
receives a land grant on the Rappahannock River.
1663 -
Rawleigh Travers received a patent for
3650 acres. "The land was
an east-running penisula, bounded on the north by little Accokeek Creek
and on the south by broad Potomoc Creek. Up on the ridge that
runs along the peninsula was perhaps the place where once the Potomac
chief's house stood. The ridge is covered today by a fine forest,
and it rises more than 150 feet above water level, an unusual height
for the Tidewater country. "
William Travers
(supposed cousin of Rawleigh above)
14 Feb 1686 Rappahanook Co., VA
Sarah Taverner
1686/7 , 14 Feb:
William Travers of
Rappahannock Co., VA Gent., made his will Gave to my dear Mother, Rebecca Rice,
5000 pounds of tobocco, during her natural life to be left in the hands
of my brother Samuel Travers, to be at her disposal when she shall be
pleased to call for it & after her death to return to my said
brother Samll TRAVERS, & Rawleigh their heires executrs. Gave
to my father in law John RICE.
my riding horse with furniture. Gave all the rest of my estate
unto my two loveing brother Samil
& Rawleigh TRAVERS, their heires executrs Adminstrs forever
equally to be divided between them. My will is that if my Father
in law, Mr John RICE, pay 15000 pounds of tobacco as part of my
estate unto my said loveing brothers their heirs or order on the 10th
day of march wich will be in the year of our Lord 1687/8 that then he
shall have the liverty to pay the rparning part from thence until the
tenth day of October which will be in the year of our Lord God
16889. I do constitute and appoint my two loveing Brothers Samil &
Rawleigh TTravers my lawful executrs of this my last Will and
Testament. Signed Wm. Travers.
Wits. Wm Sloughter, Geo Baker, Joanna Graydeon.
1692, 2 Dec:
Rawleigh Travers of Richmond Co.,
VA, Gent, one of ye sons of Colo. Wm.
Travers late of Rappahannock Co., dec'd, whereas my said Father
inter alla dyed seized a certain divident or Tract of lande in Stafford
Co. upon ye hear of Doeggs Creeke containinge 786 acres of lands as by
ye Survey & Pattent will appeare writ Pattent beares date 22 Mar
1677 recorded in ye Secretaries Ofie and forasmuch as that ye aforesaid
Samil. Traverse in
consideration of his Brotherly love and naturall affection to me ye
said Rawleigh Travese did sell and sett over in Fee simple to me ye
said Rawleigh as appeares by his Deed of Conveyance to me executed
& recorded in Rappahannock Co. Court records, Now Know yee that I
ye said Rawleigh Traverse for ye sume of 5000 poundes of tobacco in
handse paid mee by Wm. Lambert of Northumberland Co., Panter, have sold
unto ye said Wm. Lambert his heires & assignes ye uppermotst
200 acres of ye said Divident, bounded begininge alt an old marked
pohickorie standing at ye head of Dogues Creeke close by ye Horse Road
Cove and against a great branch that is on ye Northeast o said Creeke
and exetendings into ye woods accordinge to ye Pattent North West
by a line of trees West South West to a Corner tree to be marked &
from thence North East & by East to ye above mentioned
pohichkorie. Signed Rawleige Traverse; Wits. George Brent, John
Pyke, Rawleigh Traverse doe by these presents authorize my good friends
& Kinsman Mr. Rawleigh Traverse of Ocouakeeke in Stafford Co. my
true & Lawfull atturney to acknoledge my Deed of Sale in Stafford
Court to William Lambert or his Atturney. Signed Taw.
Traverse Wits. George Brent , John Pyke. Tawleigh Traverse y
Atturney of ye above said Rawleigh Traverse came into Court 14 Dec 1692
and acknowledged ye above siad Deed of Sale.
another generation is in between.
Rawleigh Travers
b. 1658
m. Hannah Ball
children of Hannah Ball
Sarah Travers
b. abt 1705
d. Oct 15, 1749
1m. Capt. Pierson
2m. Peter Daniel
Hayden says that Rawleigh Travers was of England and probably came to
Virginia by 1666. He was one three brothers, Samuel, Rawleigh and
William as early settlers. [Hayden p. 299]
1653 - Mary Marloe apparently has paid the passage by Rawleigh
Travers. [Early Virginia Immigrants. 1623-1666. ]
Heath apparently has paid the passage
by Rawleigh Travers. [Early Virginia Immigrants.
1623-1666. ]
"Mr Rawleigh
Travers," first appears in Virginia, 1653, when he received 300 a.
south side Rappahannock; then as witness to a deed in Lancaster Co.,
He m. cir., 1640, Elizabeth _____. (Was
she a Hussy or a
Cole?) He and his wife Elizabeth executed a deed in Essex
1661. He received, Dec. 29, 1662, a pat. for 300 a. W. side
Morattico Creek, Lanc'r Co. (L. Bk. V., 147.) Also 3650 a. S.
side Potomac R. on Potomac Crk., adjoining lands of Capt Brent, and
granted, 1662, to Col. Gerard Fowke, and my him assigned to Travers,
1663, confirmed Oct. 24,, 1665. (V., 521)
Also, Sep. 12,
1668, for 12 persons, 500 a. S. side Rapp'k Co. (VI. 194)
He was Burgess for Lanc'r Co. 1663-6. In Hen. II. 197, he appears
as "Mr. Rawleigh ffrances," but on p. 205 "Mr. Rawleigh Travers" was
excused for sickness, the name "ffrances," being evidently a
typographical error. In 1660 an Act of Assembly was passed for
building a State House in James City (Hen. II., 13,) "for the right
honorable the Governor and Council to keep Courts and for future Grand
Assemblies to meet in." This was erected under the direction of the
Gov'r, Sir Wm Berkeley, and a Committee of six, of whom were Col.
Gerard Fowkes and Mr. Rawleigh Travers. This house was burnt
1676. (Va. His. Reg. II., 139)
May 26, 1665, Rawleigh Travers rec'd 12,470 lb.
tobacco for the use of Rich'd, Gower & Co., from Wm. Hall, by the
hands of Leo Howson. (I., 312.) April 1, 1668, John
Carpenter of Lanc'r Co., Taylor, and Mary his wife., executor of the
will of Anthony Stephens and his heir, deeded land to Rawleigh Travers,
gentleman, for L4 and 7000 lbs. of tobacco. Mar. 8 1669,
Elizabeth Travers app'd her son, Mr. William Travers, her att'y to
acknowledgge to John Chinn the "qr.pt." of her will. (IV., 96) At
the same time Rawleigh Travers and Elizabeth Travers signed the
contract; and, p. 128, John Chinn and Eliz'b Chinn signed the
contract. When he died does not appear. An appeal was sent
to the Gen'l Court from Lanc'r Co., 1674, in re Richard James vs. Mr.
Robert Beckingham, who had m. the relict of Mr. Travers.
Could this have been Elizabeth Travers? Had - 5.
William 6. Rawleigh (?). 7 Mrs. Thomas Beale
(?.) 8 Mrs. Rawleigh Downman(?), p. 74. "
The five known children of Rawleigh1 Travers and Elizabeth (--?--) were
as follows:
2 i. JOHN2 TRAVERS was born circa 1656.
He was was named as the oldest son of Mr. Raleigh Travers, deceased, in
a suit against the estate on 10 Mar 1674/75 in Lancaster Co., Virginia.
+ 3 ii. RAWLEIGH TRAVERS, born circa 1658; married Hannah Ball.
+ 4 iii. MILLION TRAVERS, born circa 1660 in Gloucester County,
Virginia; married William Downman.
+ 5 iv. GILES TRAVERS, born circa 1662; married Ann Waugh.
v. ELIZABETH TRAVERS was born circa 1664. She married 1 John Carter Jr.
She married 2 Christopher Wormeley. She died in 1693/94 in Middlesex
Co., Virginia.
· 12 Nov 1693 Middlesex Co.,Va.,
Will of Elizabeth
Wormeley, Rec. 5 Mar 1693:
Giles Travers;
Children of
sister Million Downman:
Elizabeth Downman,
Husband: Christopher Wormeley, his
children: Judith Wormeley, Thomas Wormeley, William Wormeley. (Hopkins,
Middlesex Wills & Inv. 1673-1812, p.54).
TRAVERS, Rawleigh and STEPHENS, Elizabeth (wid.); bef. 8 mar 1669;
bride was the wid. of Thops. STEPHENS, (d. LC c. 16540 ; She may
have been a sis. of Wm. HOLSEY (d. LC c. 1687) ; she mar. (3) Robt
BECKINGHAM, (4) Thos. WILKES, (5) Geo. SPENCER and (6) Wm. MANN;
(LC WB 2:5; WB 5:116; HSF 2:253, 254, 255) [Headley.
marriages p.
TRAVERS, Capt. Rawleigh & TAVERNER, Sarah; unk. groom was a
son of Wm. & Rebecca TRAVERS; bride was born 7 Jan 1679/80, a dau.
Jn. & Eliz. TAVERNER; she mar. (2) Col. Willoughby ALLERTON ;
9MRC Corrections H) [Headley. p. 356]
TRAVERS, Rawleigh & BALL, Hannah; bef. 11 Feb 1707; groom was
a son of Rawleigh & Eliz. (STEVENS) TRAVERS; bride was a dau. of
Jos. (d. LC 1711) & Eliz. (ROMENY) BALL of SMWCP; she mar.
(2Simon PEARSON; (LC DB 9:246, 271; WB 10:88; Chinn: 115; HSF
2:255) [Headley. marriages p. 356]
TRAVERS, Samuel & ALLERTON, Frances; 1 Jul 1685; groom
was a son of Wm. & Rebecca (HUSSEY) TRAVERS; bride was a dau. of
Isaac ALLERTON (d. WC 1702) ; SC DW 3:115 gives bride's name as
Winifred; (WC DW 3:115; Allerton: 175; Beale: 203;
Newton:300) [Headley. marriages]
3; Pg 240
TRAVERS, 300 acs. on the S. side of Rappa. River., about 2 mi.
from the plantation of Mr. James &gnat, 9 Mar. 1653, p. 28. Trans.
of 6 pers: Mary Marloe, Jon. Heath, Antho., Negro, Margt., Negro; &
100 acs. by assignment from Mr. Spry to Mr. Bagnall, wch. was found
lesse than the bounds of a former pattent mentioned.
4; Pg 333
JOHN PAINE, 610 acs. on the head of the Eastern Br. of Pepoticke Cr. on
N. side of Rappa. Riv. 6 Oct. 1656, p. 42, (64). Trans. of 13 pers:
Marga. Paine, Jno. Paine, Junr., Wm. Emaston, Morris Williams,
Elizabeth Pusie, Jno. Capell,
Travers, Rich. Peacocke, Mary
Smith, Law. Thompson, Wm. Walker, Tho. Jelly.
Rawleigh Travers was a Burgess
in Lancaster County, Virginia in
numerous years.
March 1660-61, March 1661-62, Dec 1662, Sep
1664, Oct 1665, June 1666, Oct 1666, Oct 1669, Oct 1670,
Married Well and Often Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia.
- 1800.
Bridge, Peter. Pen of Fire:
John Moncure. The Kent State University Press, Kent, OH 44242.
Fleet, Beverly. Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vo. 1, Genealogical
MD. 1988
Hayden, Horace Edwin. Virginia Genealogies: a genealogy of the
family of Scotland and Virginia. also of the families of Ball, Brown,
Bryan, Conway, Daniel, Ewell, Holladay, Lewis, Littlepage, Moncure,
Peyton, Robenson, Scott, Taylor, Wallace, and others of Virginia and
Maryland. Wilkes-Barr, PA. 1891
Headley, Robert K. Wills of Richmond County, Virginia 1699-1800.
Clearfield, 1983. reprinted Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc,
Baltimore, Maryland. 2002
Headley, Robert K. Married Well and
Often: Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia, Genealogical
1649-1800. Baltimore, MD, 2003
William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine1882-1914,
Wills of Richmond County, Virginia; Wills;
Family Index || Tarpley Index || Ancestor Chart #192




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