Moses Ball
b. 2 May 1717
d. 3 Sep 1792 Fairfax County, VA
m. Ann "Nancy"
Brashear c. 1679 *
b. 26 Sep1729 at Brashear's Meadow, Prince Georges Co., MD
d. 30 Nov 1816
probably buried in unmarked grave w/Moses Ball, Arlington, VA
her father: Robert Brashear
mother: Charity Dowell
his father: John Ball
his mother: Winifed Williams
Children |
John Ball
b. 25 Jul 1746
d.14 Dec 1814
buried Ball Cem. Arlington, VA
m. Mary Ann Thrift (b. 19 Sep 1750 d. 10 Oct 1804)
dau. of Jeremiah Thrift |
Moses Ball Jr.
b. 1748 Fairfax Co. VA
d. 15 Dec 1831
m. Mary Ann "Molly" Hardin of Fairfax Co., VA (seven
children) |
Robert Ball |
b. 10 Apr 1750
d. 12 Oct 1776
m. apparently unmarried
Bazil Ball |
b. 1751
d. c1835 Alexandria Co., VA
m. unknown spouse (five children)
George Ball
b. c1752 Fairfax Co., VA
d. 24 Dec 1825 Russell Co.
, VA
m. Elizabeth Tunnell 29 Jan
1778 (b.1744 VA) (twelve children)
James Ball
b. 1755
m. unknown spouse (three or
four children)
Ann Ball
b. 26 Oct 1757
d. 19 Jul 1812 (age 55)
m. unmarried
Sibella Ball
b. 1762
d. 4 Jan 1817(age 55)
m. unmarried
*Brashear/McCoy A Brashear(s) Family History, Vol. 2, 1999
#marriage date from Charles Brashear and Back
Moses Ball was a neighbor to George Washington as well as, some say,
is his second cousin. There are a number of documents linking
them together. Moses would assist George while they were doing
surveying and George had lent Moses £10 before his death. [Charles
1748 - A patent is filed by Moses Ball for 91 acres between the
lines of John Ball on the north and and Simon Pearson and George
Washington on the south. It was issued to Moses Ball by Lord
Fairfax. [Northern Neck Land Grants, Bk F, p. 288, State Land
Office, Richmond, VA. ]
"The Right Honourable Thomas, Lord
Fairfax, Baron Cameron, in that part of Great Britain called
Scotland, Proprietor of the Northern Neck of Virginia, to all to
whom this present writing shall come, sends Greeting: Know Ye that
for good causes and in consideraton of the Compesitioin to me paid
and for Annual Rent hereafter reserved, I have Given, Granted and
confirmed and by these presents, for me my heirs and assigns, do
give, grant and confirm unto MOSES BALL, of the county of Fairfax,
a certain tract of waste and ungranted land in the said county,
upon the branches of Four Mile Run, and is bounded accordig to a
survey thereof made by Mr. Guy Broadwater, as followeth: Beginning
at a white oak standing in the fork of a branch of Four Mile Run,
extending thence North 88 degrees West along the line of John
Ball, 343 poles to hickory; thence East, running and binding with
John Alexander's line 362 poles to a read oak, thence South along
said Alexander's line 362 poles to a red oak, thence South along
said Alexander's line 70 poles to a white oak corner to Stephen
Gray and Alexander; thence North 24 degrees East, binding with
Stephen Gray's line 80 poles to a white oak standing upon the
South side of Four Mile Run; thence up the meander of the Run
North 63 degrees W. 40 poles to the first station; containing 91
acres. Together with all rights, members, and Appurtenances
thereunto belong, Royal Mines excepted, and a full third part of
all Lead, Copper, Tin, Coal, Iron Mines and Iron Ore that shall be
found thereon. To have and to Hold the said 91 acres of land
together with all rights, profits and benefits to the same
belonging or in any appertaining, except before Excepted. To
him, the MOSES BALL, his heirs or assigns forever. He, the
said Moses Ball, his hears and assigns, therefore yielding and
paying to me my heirs and assigns, or to my certain attorney or
attorneys or agent or agents, or the certain attornery or agent of
my heirs and assigns, Proprietors of the siad North Neck, yearly
and every year on the Feast day of St. Michael the Archangel, the
fee rent of One Shilling sterling monyey for every 50 acres of
land hereby granted and so proportionably for a greater or lesser
quantity. Provided that if the said Moses Ball, his heirs or
assigns shall not pay the above reserved annual rent, so the same
or any part therof shall be behind or unpaid by the space of two
whole years after the same shall become due, if lawfully demanded,
that then it shall and me be lawful for me my heirs or assigns,
Proprietors, as foresaid, my or their certain attorney or
attorneys, agent or agents, into the above granted premises to
re-enter and hold the same so as if this grant had never passed.
Given at my office in the county of Fairfax, within my said
Proprietary, under my hand and Seal. Dated this 26th day of
May in the 21st year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the
Second, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland,
King, Defender of the Faith, etc. A. D. One Thousand Seven Hundred
and Forty Eight.
1785, Apr 22 Friday- There is a mention in the diary of George
Washington about Moses.
"Took an early breakfast at
Abbington, and accompanied by Dr. Stewart(Stuart?) and Lund
Washington, and having sent for Mr. Moses Ball, who attended, I
went to a corner of the above land within about three poles of the
Run (Four Mile Run), a white oak 18" in diameter on the side of a
hill abot. 150 yards below the ruins of the old Mill and about 100
below a small branch which comes in on the north east side.
After having run one course and part of another, my servant
William (who is one of the chain carriers) fell and broke the pan
of his knee, which put a stop to my surveying; and with much
difficulty I was able to get him to Abingdon, being oliged to get
a sledge to carry him on as he could neither walk, stand or ride
(horseback). At Mr. Adam's (mill on Robert Adams), I took Lund
Washington's horse and came home."(to Mount Vernon) [Ball p.
1786, May 16 -Tuesday
"I rid to the plantations of Muddy
Hole and Dogue Run..... At Dogue Run the timothy seed
appeared to be coming up thick. Began to plant corn at this
plantation yesterday in the common method. When I returned home
found Moses Ball and his son John and William Carlin here; the
first having his effects under execution wanted to borrow money to
redeem them; I lent him ten pounds for this purpose." Apparently
Moses had mortgaged his land to William Wilson. [Ball p. 1]
1786, Dec 15 - Moses Ball makes his last will and
testament. [Ball p. 4]
Will of Moses
In the name of God, Amen, fifteenth day
of December, in the year of Our Lord God, One thousand seven
hundred and eight-six, I Moses
Ball, being in perfect memory, thanks be to Almighty God,
and calling to remembrance the uncertainty of this transitory life
and that it is appointed once for all men to die, do make,
constitute and ordain this t be my last Will and Tesatment in
manner and form follwong, revoking and disannulling by these
presents all and every other Will or Wills heretofore by me made
and declared either by word or wrting and this only is to be taken
for my last Will and no other.
And First I recommend my soul
unto the hands of God in whom and through the merits of Jesus
Christ I trust and believe assuredly to be saved and to have full
remission of all my sins and that my soul with my body at the
general day of resurrection shall rise again with joy.
Firstly, I recommend my body
to the grave to be decently buried at the discretion of my
executors hereafter named, and as the settle of my temporal estate
and such goods, chattles, and debts which it hath pleased God to
bestow upon me, I do order, give and dispose in manner and form
That is to say, First, I give and
bequeath unto my well beloved son, John Ball, twenty-five acres of land, beginning on
the south side of Four Mile Run at the White Oak of General Washington's, thence
with Washington's line to Alexander's line and the meanders of
Long Branch Westwardly until the quantity of twenty-five acres is
made then with a Southerly line from the Long Branch to said line
of Alexander.
Secondly, I desire that the
remaining part of my land may be in the possession of my dearly
beloved wife, Ann Ball,
during her natural life to be at her discreton during her
widowhood but in case she marries, then the said land is to be
disposed of at the discretion of my Executors, and the prodits
arising therefrom to be equally divided among my surviving
shildren after my just debts is paid (my son John excepted).
Thirdly, I desire that my Executors as
soon as possible pay to his Excellency, General Washington, the sum of £10 to be
made out of the aforesaid cattle in case he (Mr. Carlin) should be obliged
to pay General Washington, the above mentioned sum of £10.
Fourthly, I give and bequeath to my loved
daughter, Sibela Ball,
one bed and furniture as it stands at the decease of her mother
agreeabley to the conditions of the land.
Fifthly, and lastly I desire that my son,
John Ball and Mr. Joseph Birch, to be the only and sole Executors
of this my Last Will and Testament, and I do by these presents
revoke and disannul all and every other Will or Wills, Legacy or
legacies hertofore by me made or don, acknowldging this and no
other to be my last Will and Testament; as witness I hae herunto
set my hand and seal the day and year above written.
Moses Ball (Seal)
Signed, Sealed and Acknowledg'd in the presence of
Elijah Wood
William Culberhouse
Chloe [x]
At a court held in Fairfax County,
Virginia on 17th September 1792, this Will was presented in Court
and porved by the Oath of Elijah Wood. And at a Court held
for the said county on 15th October 1792, it was further proved by
the Oath of William Culberhouse and order to be recorded.
A Copy Teste. Recorded in Will Book F, No. 1, Page 176 and
F. W. Richardson, Clerk
Court, Mar. 14, 1835.
"It was ordered to be
certified that James Ball, who is said to have been an officer in
the Revolutionary War, died about the year 1783; that Moses Ball,
of Fairfax County, was his elder brother and heir; that Moses Ball
died in 1792, testate, intestate as to the estate of his brother
James Ball ..... Copy teste, F. W. Richardson, Clerk."
In the same court order is found that Moses and Ann(
... ) Ball had the following children: John, Moses, George,
Bazil, Anne, James and Sabilla. Bazil Ball is referred
to here as "Bazil Ball, deceased, of Alexandria County". [Ball p. 4]
Back, Troy L. & Brashear, Leon. Brashear Story: A Family
History, 1963, pp 5-45
Ball, Palmer Ray. The Ball family of
Southwest Virginia : a genealogy of some of the descendants of
Moses Ball of Fairfax County
Big Laurel, Va.: The Cumberlandcrafters, 1933, 44
Brashear, Charles and McCoy, Shirley Brasher. A Brashear(s)
Family History, Vol. 2, Robert C. Brashear of North Carolina
and Some Descendants in TN, KY, Mo, TX, etc (of
eight proposed volumes) 1999 Charles Brashear/Shirley McCoy,
P.O.Box 38 Clearlake Oaks, CA 95423-0038, 707/998-1008, email-
Council Proceedings, Hall of Records of Maryland, Liber HH, ff.
157, 158
Maryland Archives, Vol 41, pa.178
"Seventeenth Century Colonial Ancestors" that he was a Justice and
Landowner ,p 34 .
Easton, Stewart C. The Western Heritage. 1968 Holt
Reinhart Winston.
17th Century Colonial Ancestors, p. 34
Johnston, Don. relative of Margaret Brashear, from LDS records,
Index |
Brashear Ancestoral Chart | Huguenot History
Cheryl's Family Index | email to Cheryl Grubb

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photos included within these pages are here for the
express purpose of personal genealogical research and may
not be included or used for any commercial purpose or
included in any commercial site without the express
permission of Cheryl and Elroy Christenson. Copyright
Elroy Christenson 1998-2016.