Children probably with Mary |
Richard Snoden Kirkland
father of Moses "The Tory" |
b. c 1704 (possibly in Elk Ridge area of Maryland) |
d. c 28 Mar 1772 Fairfield Co., S.C. |
m. Mary |
Robert Kirkland (probably
father of Snowden) |
b. c 1706 (possibly in Elk Ridge area of Maryland) |
d. c 1768 |
m. Honour (unk) |
William Kirkland |
b. c1708 |
d. c1755 dead by 16 Nov. 1756 in Fairfax Co., VA |
m. Sarah (Woodward?) |
Edward Kirkland*
b. c1712 |
d. between 7 Jan 1770 when his will was made and 26 Feb
1770 when the will was proven, Granville Co., SC
1m. Mary
2m. Experience Joyce
John Kirkland*
There are no further links on this
line beyond this family
b.1718 |
d. between 7 Jan 1772 when he made the will and proven
date of 10 Sep 1773
1m. Elizabeth (unk)
2m. Jean (unkn)
Children according to the will of Richard Kirkland. It is
fairly certain that this list is incomplete and that the
order may be vastly different. There are no known daughter
of Richard. William listed below is a probable son
based on other records. The order of birth with an addition
of William is based on the recently publish arguments of Dr.
J. R. Peacock, July 2002
Records on these early individuals of the Kirkland
family are very sparse. Many records that may have existed have
been lost or destroyed so tracking these folks has proved to be
very difficult. There are some researchers that think that
Kirtland may be another derivation in the name and records do
exist of a John Kirtland but we have not been able to confirm a
link through documentation. It is conceivable there were earlier
ancestors in the colonies before this Richard Kirkland. We are
hoping that someone will come forward with proof of origin.
The records for the Kirklands of this era are very
confusing due to the naming of the children similarly. This is
laid out as clearly as can be illustrated by my Anonymous
Kirkland Researcher in the following excerpt :
RICHARD SNOWDEN KIRKLAND "He had children Moses the Tory,
Richard and Ann. When you study the records in Va. you will
see the Jr. after Richard's name when he got the land patent.
When the father Richard gave him the land, he called him
Richard Snodin, but when Richard (d. c 1743) made his will, he
called him only Richard. Check the land that old Richard gave
his son Edward - it was bounding by what he gave his son
Richard Snodin. So this Richard that came to what was later
Fairfield Co., SC (father of Tory Moses) actually went by name
of Richard in Va., as he did in SC. But before he came to SC,
he stopped off in Granville Co., NC (do not confuse with
Granville Co. SOUTH CAROLINA). Actually, he who had been
Richard, Jr. in VA., was in NC by 5 Mar 1747, when he was a
chain carrier for Nathaniel Holly (survey date 5 Mar 1747),
granted 25 Mar 1749. You have to count the survey date, as it
is the date that Richard was doing his work of carrying the
chains. This is new information found in Margaret Hofmann's The
District of NC, 1748-1763 Abstracts of Land Grants, V2.
One John Kirkland, whom we think is brother to Richard
Snodin Kirkland, was also in Granville Co., NC Richard
himself got a grant, but sold it a few months later and
headed for SC. So this was the old Richard Snowden, who was
once Richard, Jr. in Fairfax Co., who came on into SC. Let's
go back to the court records in Fairfax Co., Va. for the
other man called Snodin. From our records we concluded there
were two of them - nephew and uncle, by the same name, but
one went by Richard and one went by Snodin. " [Anonymous
Kirkland Researcher, letter of 6 Aug '00]
One John Kirkland, whom we think is brother to
Richard Snodin Kirkland, was also in Granville Co., NC Richard
himself got a grant, but sold it a few months later and headed
for SC. So this was the old Richard Snowden, who was once
Richard, Jr. in Fairfax Co., who came on into SC. Let's go
back to the court records in Fairfax Co., Va. for the other
man called Snodin. From our records we concluded there were
two of them - nephew and uncle, by the same name, but one went
by Richard and one went by Snodin. " [Anonymous Kirkland
Researcher, letter of 6 Aug '00]
It seems that a Richard Kirkland was in the
colonies and lived in Baltimore County, Maryland by 1694.
Richard apparently had ownership of three tracts of land in
Maryland according to J. R. Peacock's understanding of the
records. One tract was of 200 acres known as "Brown's Fancy"
purchased from William Brown in December 1694. A second tract of
200 acres was known as Bold Venture and acquired by grant in
1699. A third tract of 100 acres was acquired by grant and known
as Girilies Portion. All three tract were located near the
boundary of Anne Arundel and Baltimore Counties on the waters of
th Patuzent of Patapsco Rivers near the town of Elk Ridge.
[Peacock 14]
1694, Dec - Rent Rolls Liber 15 Folio 183S #200, Anne Arudel
County, Maryland
Brown Fancy Surv Decem. 1694 for William Brown on Elk Ridge
beginning at a bd.d white oak and blongs to Richard Kirkoland
who is Runaway Entered Before. [Records of Baltimore Co.,
Maryland, KSBR v1 p17]
1699 - Warrants - Liber A - Folio 208
Warrant granted RICHARD KIRKLAND of Baltimore County for 200
acres "according to Condecons of plantacons"...
[Records of Baltimore County,Maryland, KSBR v1 p17]
1700 - Warrants - Liber A - Folio 299 #24
Warrant granted unto RICHARD KIRKLAND of Balteme(sic) County for
100 acres of land...
[Records of Baltimore County,Maryland, KSBR v1 p17]
20 June 1700- Patesnt - Liber C. D. - Folio 311
Grant of 100 acres "Girles Porcon" to RICHARD KIRKLAND OF
Baltimore County lying between branches of Petuxon River near
CHARLES CARROLL'S plantacon... returned into our land office 20
June 1700...This 4 June 1702... CHARLES CARROLL'S plantacon
called Dohoregan. [Records of Baltimore County,Maryland, KSBR v1
1704, May 25, Brown's Fancy was mortgaged to
Alexander Deheneyosia (sp?) J. R. Peacock believes it may have
been used to satisfy a debt to Deheneyosia. In May 2, 1702
Benjamin Fordham sued Alexander Dehinyeosia, by his attorney
William Bladen. It is implied that Richard Kirkland had access
to supplies from Dehinyeosia that should have gone to Fordham.
In turn Dehinyeosia brought suit against Richard Krikland 7
April 1704, charging that Kirkland had, "...craftly and subtly"
attempted to deceive and defraud. Richard Kirkland admitted to
the charge in court and agreed to make just compensation of
which the mortgage of Brown's Fancy was made to Dehinyeosia.
[Peacock 6]
11 July 1708 - Provencial Court Judgments - Liber
P. L. #3 - Folio 104-08
RICHARD KIRKLAND late of Balt. County sold land to
GEORGE VALENTINE 200 A called Bold Venture in Annarundle
County bounded by a white oak standing by the Main Rode to
Elke Ridge .. also another tract of 100 A called Girles
Portion in Baltimore County between branches of Puttuxent
River beginning at first Tree of CHARLES CARROLL'S land
. . . . . RICH (RK)
In presence of J. LEMAY?, ROBT HALL MARY
[Records of Baltimore Co., Maryland, KSBR v1 p17]
11 Oct 1708- Provencial Court Judgements - Liber P. L. #3-
Folio 108-109
Virginia- Know all men by these presents that I RICHARD
KIRKLAND late of Baltimore County planter doe appoint my
friend JOHN JONES of Baltimore County planter my true and
lawful attorney to make over the two tracts of land, to
GEORGE BALENTINE, called Bold Venture 200 A in Annardl
Coty(sic), the other Girles Portion 100 A in Baltimore
County adjoining land of above JONES ... and Likewise I MARY
KIRKLAND give my right of Dower... by Verture of my bing the
lawful wife of above sd RICHD- "as if I & my wife were
presnet & did it ourselves"... this 11 Oct 1708.
in presence of RICHD (N) N_SON? . . .
On back of foregoing, the deed was Endorsed as fol: viz. 11
July 1709 JOHN JONES acknowledged he signed sealed &
delivered the deed in behalf of RICHD KIRKLAND and MARY
his wife by Vertue of a Letter of attorney to him the
said JONES directed by RICHARD & MARY KIRKLAND to that
Intent and purpose...
[Records of Baltimore Co., Maryland, KSBR v1 p18]
12 Sep 1730- Northern Neck Grants C 1729-31, Reel
290, Va. State Lib & Archives p.69
RICHARD KIRTLING, JUNIOR, of Stafford Co., VA. was gt.
290 A in Stafford Co. on upper side of Bull Run (Note: grant
to WILLIAM DAVIS 1746) beginning.. near a marked hickory on
the side of the aforsd. Run, standing in a line of the land
formerly ARRINGTON'S... to a oak on top of the hill,
ARRINGTON'S corner tree... to a red oak on a barren ridge...
to a small white oak on S side of a stoney hill... near the
head of the branch...crossing sd. branch... on the top of hill
near line of FRANCIS BEVERS, along BEVERS line ... on lower
side of Run falling into sd. Bull Run, called Popeshead,
thence down Popeshead... [records of Fairfax County, VA , KSBR
v1 p19]
William Kirkland ends up deeding land near this location to
his sons, see 1756
24 Sep 1739 - Deed Bk. C, p. 227 - 1732-1799
Prince William Co. Manassas, VA.
RICHARD KIRKLAND of Truro Parish, Prince William Co.,
planter, gives to EDWARD KIRKLAND, his son, 100 A
situate in Prince William Co. on the N. side of Occaquan R.,
being part of a 268 A tract gt. sd. RICHARD by patent 23 Nov
1714 beginning at a hickory... down a branch to the North Run
of Occaquan...down sd. run to first branch of Occaquan R.
below the mouth of N. run of sd. River... up the branch to a
spanish oak.. along a line of marked trees to 2 populars..
standing near the Rolling rode...
PATK. (?) CAMPBELL proven same day [Records of Fairfax County,
VA, KSBR v. 1 pp19-20]
23 Jun 1740 - Deed Bk. E pp. 53,54, 55 - 1740-41
Prince Wm. Co. Proven 25 Aug 1740
RICHARD KIRKLAND of Truro Parish, Prince William Co.,
Planter, give to his son RICHARD SNOWDIN KIRKLAND100 A
land in Prince Wm. Co. on N side of Occaquan R. being part of
two patents of land bearing date 1712 and 1714, beginning at a
marked gum tree on the S side of the fork of the branch down
sd. fork to mouth of sd. branch to a spring known as Popular
Spring, then along the line of EDWARD KIRKLAND to two
marked populars ... white oak near a ridge... a line of marked
trees crossing the Rolling Rode..
(note: VA archives cannot locate a grant for 1712, also
note the proximity of Edward's land to Richards) [KSBR
v. 1, p.20]
16 April 1742 - Land Records Liber R. B. No. 1 Folio 143-144
RICHARD SNOWDEN sells to WILLIAM KIRKLAND- both of Ann Arundel
County, a tract of 104 acres called Godman's Chance as pattent
granted said RICHARD SNOWDEN 14 Dec 1739 -- . .
in presence of Wm ROGERS, ______? [Records of Ann Arundel
County, Maryland KSBR v1 p9]
We have not been able to connect this Richard Snowden to
the Kirklands by marriage to date.
17 Nov. 1742 - Fairfax Co., VA
Will Bk. A-1 Part 1, 1742-1752 - Proven 19 May 1743
KIRKLAND a tract of land in Baltimore Co. containing 200
A called BROWN'S FANCY ... my wife MARY the plantation where I
now live & all the land belonging thereunto.. after her
decease to my son ROBERT KIRKLAND.. my son ROBERT KIRKLAND
paying my son JOHN KIRKLAND 10 pounds current money of
VA .. my moveable estate to wife during her life, then to be
equally divided amongst all my sons and daughters... I appoint
my wife MARY & GEORGE CALBERT to be my exors...
Wit: THOMAS SMITH . . . . .
RICCA ... bound unto WILLIAM FAIRFAX, first Justice for
Fairfax Co.
Inventory of RICHARD KIRKLAND - 18 Oct 1743 - lists numerous
items & following people: MICHAEL RIGHTLY, an orphan aged
19 years 23 July last. ELINOR SHORTON, an indented servant to
serve to the 8th .. ber next. ANN FRANCINN, b. 9th ... 1730.
JOSHUA FRANCINN, b. 15 Jun 1732. BETTY THORNTON, b. 27 Apr
Debts pd. by MARY KIRKLAND, relict of RICHARD KIRKLAND, dec'd
[Fairfax County, VA. records; KSBR v.1, p. 21]
15 Feb. 1746 Liber A, #1d, Part 2, pp. 245 &246- State Lib.
& Archives, VA.
of Prince William Co. 290 A in Fairfax, Co. which was gt. to
RICHARD 12 Sept 1730 .. also a grist mill standing on Poplar
Head Run...
Indenture made 16 Feb 1746 between RICHARD KIRKLAND &
MARY his wife of one part & WM. DAVIS of other ...
proven 18 Aug 1747. [Fairfax County, VA. records; KSBR v.1, p.
9 June 1746 - Liber B, #1, pp. 32,33, Va. State
Lib. & Archives. Proven 19 Aug 1746
JOHN GOEN & MARY his wife of Truro Parish, Fairfax Co.,
Va. sell to EDWARD KIRKLAND of same for 5 shillings
sterling & 1100 lbs. of merchanable tobacco, one half
tract of land cont. 268 A in sd. Parish on N side of Ocaquan
below the mouth of the N fork of the sd. Run of Occaquan, bd.
uppermost coner tree of land belonging to RICHARD RIDGEWELL
& extending thence along sd. RIDGEWELL'S line... to the
beginning, it being a tract of land gt. RICHARD KIRKLAND,
dec'd & CORNELIUS KEEIF, father of sd. GOENS wife,
23 Nov 1714...
Wit: JOHN BAYLISS . . . . .
WILLIAM KING . . . . .
[Fairfax County, VA. records; KSBR v.1, p. 20]
9 Oct 1753 - Liber C #1, pp. 649, 650 - VA. State
Lib & Archives. Proven 19 Feb 1754
EDWARD KIRKLAND, Planter, of Fairfax Co., Va. sells to ABSALOM
KENT, planter, of same 100 A more or less, in Fairfax Co., on
the N side of Occaquan R. beginning at a marked hickory
standing near sd. KIRKLAND'S, down a branch, thence up a
branch to a spanish oak, thence up a long line of marked trees
to the first mentioned hickory, near the sd. Rolling Rode
being part of a greater tract of land cont. 268 A gt. by
proprietors of the Northern Neck of land to RICHARD KIRKLAND
23 Nov 1723...
WILLIAM LINN . . . . .
pp. 651, 652, 653 - Indenture made 20 Oct 1753 between EDWARD
father of sd. EDWARD KIRKLAND... (Archives cannot
locate grant for RICHARD IN 1723. It probably should be
1714.) [Fairfax County, VA. records; KSBR v.1, p. 22]
John Kirkland came to own the land right next to
Richard on the Wateree R. He is probably the son of Richard.
1749- "Statistics of South Carolina", p. 537 by
Robert Mills, Pub. 1826
"About the time of the settlement of Lyles (1745) CAPT. RICHARD
KIRKLAND, the grandfather of Mr. REUBEN HARRISON, settled on the
Wateree R., at or near COL. PEAY'S plantation. KIRKLAND was a
Virginian, and a man of great wealth in those early times; he
owned 50 brood mares.
p. 544 "Mrs GRAVES, mother of REUBEN HARRISON, at upwards of 100
years. (She died at that age.) [KSBR v. 1, p40 - 41]
1752 - The first mention of Richard Kirkland in
South Carolina is when 350 acres are laid out for him " on the
Wateree River, foot of Wateree Creek," by George Hunter, His
majesty's surveyor,' under a precept dated May 5, 1752, but the
survey was not made until July 27, 1753, nearly a year after the
order had been issued. and there seem to have been earlier
settlers for his lands are bounded in part , by those of Richard
Greggrie (Gregory), and Joseph Cates. [KSBR. Vol. 1, p. 21 ]
Precept date - 5 May 1752, Vol. 5, p. 353 (prolonged 6 mo. fro
3 June 1753.)
Plat date - 27 Jul 1753 5 353
Grant date - 11 May 1754 5 411
Memorial - NOne -- besold this land
350 A Craven Co., at foot of Wateree Ck., bds. N by Wateree
R., SW by land laid out to RICHARD GREGGIE & land laid out
ot JOSEPH CATES & vacant, NW vacant.
JOHN HAMILTON, DS. Path from the Congarees to Catawba Nation
runs thru property.
[South Carolina Plats, Grants and Memorials, v1 p47]
May 1754- Memorials - Vol. 7, p. 59 & 60
RICHARD KIRKLAND makes memorial for 567 A land that he
purchased from SAMUEL & SUZANNAH BACOT 27 & 28 Aug.
1753. Land was gt. SAMUEL BACOT 6 Oct. 1752, lying in Craven
Co., bd. NE on Wateree R., part vacant & part on JOHN TOD,
JR. on SE. (Note: This is father of MOSES. See Deed Bk. E,
p 129-135 Fairfield Co.)[KSBR v. 1 p 47]
16 Nov 1756 - Liber D #1, Part 1, p. 358, Va.
State Lib. & Archives -
Proven 16 Nov 1756 -- THOMAS WODWARD of Fairfax Co., Va.
attorney for JOSEPH & WILLIAM KIRKLAND OF South Carolina
sells to JAMES WARDEN of Charles Co., Maryland, for 15 lbs.
current money 250 A in Fairfax Co. on branches of Popeshead
& Bull Run, being part of a larger tract gt. WILLIAM
KIRKLAND, now deceased, father of sd. JOSEPH &
WILLIAM KIRKLAND, & JAMES SMITH by patent from the
proprietors of the Northern Neck bearing date 2 Sept 1741 and
by sd. WILLIAM KIRKLAND devised to his sons JOSEPH AND WILLIAM
KIRKLAND parties to these presents as by his last will &
testament recorded among records of the Co., Court of (BLANK!)
... corner to the land of REV. ALEXANDER SCOTT & HANCOCK
LEE, gent., dec'd., (torn..) to the dividing line between
WARDEN... in witness hereof the sd. THOMAS WOODWARD hath
hereunto set his hands affixed the seals of sd. JOSEPH &
WILLIAM KIRKLAND. (Note: Archives cannot locate this will!)
[KSBR v. 1, p. 22-23]
Edward Kirkland moves to the land on the Wateree
and Savannah River in Granville Co., South Carolina about 1753.
25 Apr 1765 - Edward Kirkland
Precept date - 4 Sp 1764 vol. 8 p. 278
Plat date - 14 Sep 1765 vol. 8 p. 278
Grant date - 25 Apr 1765 vol. 12 p. 208
Memorial - 25 Jun 1765 vol. 6 p. 464
150 A Granville Co., on King Brach water of Savannah R. near
Matthews Bluff. All sides vacant. King Brach runs along N side
of property. ISAAC PERRY, DS.
JOSEPH TURNER signed for the memorialist EDWARD KIRKLAND. [SC
Archives, KSBR V.1 P51]
Abstracts and Will of the State of South Carolina ,
vol. 1-5, will book SS.1771-1774
Anonymous Kirkland researcher. (I have had much help and
assistance from a person that has researched this family for
more that thirty years. Privacy restricts more information.)
American Loyalist Claims, National Genealogical Society
Chapman, John A. History of Edgefield from the Earliest
Settlements to 1897, Elbert H. Hull, Pub. and Printers,
Newberry, S. C., 1897
McMaster, Fritz H., History of Fairfield County, S. C.
1946, The State Commercial Printing Co., Columbia S. C.
Lambert, Robert Stairsbury. South Carolina Loyalists in
the American Revolution. Univ. of S. Carolina. 1987
Kirkland Source Book of Records (KSBR),in two volumes,
1977 reprinted 1989. compiled by Mrs. Schlandensky, Mrs.
Green, Mrs. Leonard, Mrs. John H. Kirkland. Greenwood, S. C.,
out of print
Peacock, Dr. J. R., Kirkland Family Roots, Virginia, -
South Carolina, Henry County, Alabama,2002, J. R.
Peacock, 1330 Eleventh St, Clermont, FL 34711-2815
Kirkland Family Index
|| Elroy's Family Index || Ancestor Chart #160 || Kirklands of Henry
Co., AL

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the help of hundreds of researchers. The information
here is for the express purpose of personal
genealogical research and is freely offered as long
as this site is listed as a source. It may not be
included or used for any commercial purpose or
included in any commercial site without the express
permission of Elroy Christenson. Copyright Elroy
Christenson 1998-2021.
web pages created by Elroy
Christenson- - last updated 8/10/21